Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Constant Dreams: Confessions of a Kenyan Student in Michigan.

Constant Dreams: Confessions of a Kenyan Student in Michigan.
Constant Dreams: Confessions of a Kenyan Student in Michigan.

Who do you want to be when you grow up? I cannot even begin to count how many times I had to answer that question. It is like a song one cannot get out of mind. Growing up, what I wanted to be was shaped by my environment. KBC was the only Broadcasting network. Therefore I said, “I want to be the President of the Republic of Kenya,” You see, the news was almost just about the president. I therefore thought, that is the only thing worth pursuing! I am grown up though, still growing?

Fortunately, I was born in Kathiani, a little town in Machakos County. It is about 2 hours drive from Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. There are several air routes that run through Kathiani ‘air space’. I remember crying and running for dear life every time I heard the sound of the airplanes. To me it sounded like judgment day! The trumpets sounds, thunder rolls and Christ returns! I would run into the house calling my mother afraid that it was time! This reaction went on until I went to class one.

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When I grew older, I began to know more. It reminds me of St. Paul’s words. “When I was a child I thought like a child.” And he is right. The Bible also states a matter of fact; “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” I believe these statements are not true only to spiritual truth, but rather, they are supposed to be applied in life. That is, when I was a child is different from when I grow up. I cannot act childishly when I am an adult.

As I grow older, my wisdom is supposed to increase so that I can make decisions that are true: Decisions that are not going to lead me to destruction: decisions that are going to lead me from stupidity into understanding, and from evil to good. I grew up and though I did not run every time the plane sounded, I used the knowledge to wonder how planes operate. I decided to find out!

Every opportunity we get to expand our knowledge is an opportunity to grow from childhood to adulthood. We should embrace it: especially when it comes to education. More knowledge means that your axe is sharper making life easier. I found a book about planes. I read about planes and it sparked my curiosity. I asked my English teacher about planes, what they were and why they scared me so much. Her words fueled the flame, taking me deeper into why?

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The conversation changed my perception about them. It was the grand start of my love for things that fly. My answer to the question changed. Instead of wanting to become president, I wanted to know how planes cheated gravity! That is still my quest. But now am doing it in a university setting! Can you imagine that? From running into the house in fear, to studying how they work and fly! God transformed my fear into curiosity. But I had to face it head on by seeking to know. I believe God wanted to transform ignorance to knowledge. But I had to be a willing partner.
I remember looking out the window or just running outside to stare at the planes that flew over our school. My classmates would even call out my name every time that amazing boom was heard approaching. I wrote down my dreams and one of them was to study aeronautical engineering at the famous Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. I applied to various schools in the US and I got accepted to Embry Riddle. However, Western Michigan University offered me a better scholarship and since they have a great aerospace program too, I chose it.

I am a junior now going into my senior year; I have survived the shadow of calculus death, and I actually have a minor in math! My biggest inspiration is God. I consider everything I do a calling by Him. I have had moments when I second-guessed myself, especially when I am the only girl in a class.

I thought once I entered university I would rest. But God keeps calling me to a higher responsibility. I hear this voice telling me; as you have been inspired, inspire others. Set a high standard for others. I believe mentors are a must have. There is a saying, ‘what an elder sees seated, you may not see when standing.’ As iron sharpens iron so do the people around us. I have met many close friends in school and I am grateful I have people that I can relate to and who challenge me to be better than I was yesterday.

I have not arrived at my destination yet, am still far from it but every day I make a step closer. I do not have it all figured out, but I know God does, and I trust Him. For every step I make forward, there are angels unseen, a word of encouragement, and the hand of God that never leaves me.
He has been a great friend and mentor as I dream to know how planes fly!

By Mercy Mbeke Mutuku (Undergraduate Student) For HTBluff Associates. An EMG Consortium and Diaspora Messenger

Mercy Mbeke Mutuku

Constant Dreams: Confessions of a Kenyan Student in Michigan.

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