Saturday, September 7, 2024

God is finally Muted, Silenced, Dead in American Society?

God is finally Muted, Silenced, Dead in American Society?
God is finally Muted, Silenced, Dead in American Society?

There was a meeting in a majestic house on the hill! It was the gathering of those who know: those are the pillars of the over 300 million people who dwell in the United States. Dressed in their attire and carrying brief cases of truth, they entered one by one. Then sitting as “gods” in the thrown of knowledge, they were called to order and by the time they were done, they had muted God from the annals of history.

It was the case of gays and the United States constitution. These issues have always been there. They have been debated and argued for generations. But it was the first time God was muted. In fact one of the Supreme Court justices wondered why the Greeks, though allowing homosexuality, did not call the relationships marriage. One of them asked why for millennium the marriage definition was an absolute. That even though it is true Homosexuality has been in existence for millennium, marriage has also been defined with certainty for millennium! “The word that keeps coming back to me in this case is millennia, plus time. … This definition (of marriage) has been with us for millennia. And it’s very difficult for the court to say ‘Oh well, we know better.’” Anthony Kennedy.

That is the telling complexity of what lawyers for homosexuality are asking the ‘gods’ to do: An issue, which has been settled for millennium now be decided on behalf of 300 million plus and forever, in America by nine human beings. If there is a day of reckoning, it is when that question was asked. Will Judges now decide the actuality of matter? That is to say, things are not what they are; things are what humanity defines them to be. White is not white unless it is defined by law. And humanity is not human unless its definition goes through the legal process and becomes established in law! I need to go to court and get a confirmation whether I am!

What is telling about the state of the United States is the mute in the mention of God. During the whole Supreme Court hearing, God was mute! It is as if for the millennium the definition of Marriage as the relationship between a man and a woman was brought fourth from some magical extraterrestrial mumbling! The idea that definitions involving humanity can now be done without referring to God is new! Even the justices like Scalia, who are catholic at the core, Justice Alito and others who honestly grew under the umbrella of Faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Ishmael did not have the courage to ask, “Doesn’t God appear anywhere in this cultural development?” Nothing was mentioned.

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The only time a glimpse of concern was when Scalia wondered whether the rights of a priest for religious reasons would be violated by their decisions. The right of priest for religious reasons? What about God’s voice? “Therefore God created man in his own image, in the Image of God created them male and female.” Doesn’t his establishment within which they were to pro-create and cultivate the earth count?

Beyond millennium, God! Those who do not go beyond millennia to tap on the world of the spirit where Jehovah exists declares themselves extinct. Because even David Hume got stuck in the question, “Does the sun also rise?” Can we as humans finalize definitions of what is outside of Divinity? Can we by mention erase reality? Can humanity take itself beyond “In the beginning” to explain through judicial arguments the beginning of time? Has nine justices withdrawn themselves from time and having failed to witness The Trinity proclaiming, “Let there be?” confirmed their doubt? Is this the basis for muting the I AM?

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The sad thing is that this final mode of American humanism has been building for ages. Hidden outside of human witness is the force of darkness, which within the American judicial process pretends to be mute. The devil and his constant force to move man away from their creator though mute is active, unseen, in the legal processes. Paul presents the existence of the Unseen (Col. 1:15-20). It is this unseen that claims, “I AM”. It is also this unseen that constantly asks humanity, “did God say . . .” (Genesis 3:1ff.)

Fortunately, one man who was in the gathering, a believer in the unseen declared prophetically, “ . . . You will burn in hell.” And as if accepting the reminder, Justice Scalia said, “ . . . that was actually refreshing.” What is refreshing for me is Kenya’s Deputy President William Ruto’s proclamation: “Homosexuality is against our faith and culture.” In 1905 in Kijabe, Kenya, the American missionary told my Grandfather, Rev. Johannah Nyenjeri that The God of Abraham speaks and shows. Over a century latter, I also remind them and myself, “ . . . He speaks still.”

For more reminders, get for yourself a small book written by Carl F. H. Henry “Twilight of a Great Civilization.” Word Publishers. 1986.

Teddy Njoroge Kamau (PhD) HTBluff Associates. An EMG Consortium #HTBluff. Diaspora Messenger Columnist

God is finally Muted, Silenced, Dead in American Society?


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