Sunday, February 23, 2025

Kenyans respond to Shaffie Weru’ phone call to Obama’ daughter

Kenyans respond to Shaffie Weru’ phone call to Obama’ daughter
Kenyans respond to Shaffie Weru’ phone call to Obama’ daughter

Some two days ago, Kiss FM’s Presenter, Shaffie Weru, decided to go public with the telephone conversation he had with Malia Obama, a thing that rubbed a section of Kenyans the wrong way.

Obama-mania is taking effect in all aspects of Kenyan lifestyle. The US President is overshadowing all pressing agendas in the country to set precedence in our daily conversations.

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Kiss FM’s Shaffie Weru chose to gain traction by riding on Obama’s name, and he certainly nailed it since Kenyans are talking about him.

The beard-endowed presenter uploaded his telephone conversation with President Obama’s eldest daughter, Malia Obama and this is what vexed Kenyans.

But why are Kenyan so pissed with Shaffie for merely uploading his conversation with the daughter of the world’s most powerful man?

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Ahem! Shaffie took Kenyans for a ride. He got some chick with fake American accent to masquerade as Malia then recorded the conversation.

Of course Kenyans smelt a rat in the conversation that’s why they decided to spew their venom at him. Below is the conversation between Shaffie and fake Malia.

jeremy teamjeremy: really? this is the best Kiss FM can do? I understand your trying to make this go viral but this is such a FAIL!!! That girl has forced that accent so bad it makes my ears cringe. FAIL!!

Eugene Nyawara: What’s with the tweng’ Shaffie?

Aftabshkh: Clearly fake. That accent isn’t even on point

Rodney Mcdee: Is this for real…?

stefan okello: Kandangaye masai Huyo dem ako na weng ya Langata

Kenyans respond to Shaffie Weru’ phone call to Obama’ daughter

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