Friday, January 31, 2025

Reasons Your Family and Friends Don’t Have Life Insurance

Reasons Your Family and Friends Don’t Have Life Insurance
Reasons Your Family and Friends Don’t Have Life Insurance: insurance policy

As an insurance agent I help people enroll in Obamacare and Life insurance policies at no

I’ve been talking to a lot of people lately about buying life insurance after a community
leader in Dallas, TX took me to task for not being ‘aggressive’ in bringing life insurance
awareness to our community.

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I thought about it and realised it’s the responsibility of every
community leader, religious leader, friend, spouse and even ourselves to make sure we get life

I have been urging folks to get it, but for every 10 people I talk to, 4 will buy right away but 6 will
give one of the following reasons why they won’t buy it immediately.

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  1. I won’t die anytime soon​­ No one knows the day or the hour. Death doesn’t
    discriminate on age, gender, race, financial status, etc. If you’re making a living, no
    matter how low your pay, please get some life insurance. If your place of work provides
    it, please get it there, but it doesn’t hurt to get another private individual policy that can
    be in place if you lose your job or start your own business.
  2. If I buy, I’m calling death to come visit me​­ total hogwash, there’s no evidence
    whatsoever that people who buy life insurance are more likely to die. These are some of
    the superstitions that keep us poor and prevent people from building legacies.
  3. I don’t need it​­ If I die, just bury me in a cheap coffin or cremate and dump my ashes in
    the nearest pond. We all know this never happens, as soon as the family is notified of
    the death of a loved one, a proper send off must be arranged. Body must be taken back
    to your family land for everyone to pay their last respects. Food must be prepared,
    transport and accommodation must be arranged. Not to mention lost income from all the
    time off taken to give you a proper send off. Please by all means, put yourself in the
    shoes of your loved ones and get a life insurance policy to take care of them in the event
    of your untimely death.
  4. I can’t afford life insurance​­ Term policies are really affordable. Rates can be pennies
    per day depending on age, health condition, etc. If you budget properly, I’m sure you’ll
    realise you have enough money to buy a good life insurance policy. It’s all about
    priorities! You can’t afford not to have it.

  5. I’m not required to buy it like car, health or home insurance​­ That’s true. You buy life
    insurance out of love. Your financial responsibilities such as rent, mortgage, education,
    food, clothing, shelter, etc do not end just because you’re gone. Instead, they get shifted
    to others, increasing their burdens. It’s bad enough that the family would now live without
    your presence, please don’t make them live without your financial input as well.

  6. If I buy it, my beneficiary will kill me​­ If you really believe this, then you’re a very
    distrustful and paranoid person. Not everybody is out there to get you! I know there are
    instances where loved ones kill each other for life insurance funds, but it’s very rare. If
    you feel this can be a problem, just don’t disclose to your beneficiaries that you have a
    policy. This should not make you not get protected. If you’re gone, your loved ones will
    struggle to fund your funeral and support your family if you have one.

  7. Procrastination​­ Stop saying you’ll buy it next week, next month, next year…do it now.
    You might not be around next month, get covered today. The younger you are, the
    cheaper it is. In addition, you might get diagnosed with an illness such as cancer, HBP,
    HIV, etc making it very costly or unqualified to get coverage. Generally, the sooner you
    get it the cheaper it is. For permanent policies, the sooner you get them, the quicker you
    start getting returns on your hard earned money. I bet you probably have some money
    sitting in your checking account earning 0 to very low returns, why not put it in a
    Universal Life Insurance policy and start getting some tax free interest? It’s a win­win,
    you get protected and your money works for you at the same time. Call me for more
    details and a personalized illustration.

  8. Not easy to shop for coverage​­ I do agree that there are so many options out there
    leading to so much information that you end up being indecisive and inertia kicks in. To
    solve this problem, please contact a life insurance agent like me to narrow down the
    options for you. Its easy to make a decision between 3 choices as opposed to 28. The
    cost you pay is the same if you were to get it online or through an agent like me. Some
    agents charge an extra fee but I don’t.

  9. It’s not in our culture to buy life insurance​­ I believe in many things in my culture, but
    I also borrow other helpful ideas from other cultures. Life insurance is one of them,
    especially considering back in the day, folks in my culture did not travel and live as
    Diaspora. I also believe life insurance used properly can help build a great legacy that
    can transform the fortunes of your family for generations to come. There are even life
    insurance policies that provide living benefits, they accumulate cash value that you
    access later for retirement, terminal illnesses care, education, etc.

  10. It’s a waste of money​­ If after reading points 1 through 9 above you still believe that
    you are wasting your money by buying life insurance, then there’s nothing else we can
    do to help you. I rest my case!

I’d love to hear other reasons you might have or have heard from your family and friends,
please check out my contact info below. Please talk to them and make sure they get covered,
remember the burden will be on you if God forbid they die without any coverage in place. We’ll
come to grieve with you and even contribute to help offset medical and other final expenses, but
we can only do it so many times. It’s simply not sustainable to raise enough funds for every
death that occurs in our communities. Life insurance is the solution, please get covered then
urge your people to do the same.

Call me for a FREE, no obligation consultation. I also give you FREE quotes and once you
decide on a plan, I enroll you for FREE! You just send your premiums directly to the insurance
company. You can also buy it online or through other agents, bottom line is, what matters most
is your protection and the protection of your loved ones. Get covered today!

Patrick Nganga, MBA is a licensed independent insurance agent representing many companies.


Reasons Your Family and Friends Don’t Have Life Insurance

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