Thursday, January 2, 2025

Survey shows only 17pc of Kenyans support CORD

Survey shows only 17pc of Kenyans support CORD

Confidence in Kenyaโ€™s opposition is very low, according to a survey.

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The survey by Ipsos Kenya places the confidence rating in the Opposition at 17 per cent, out of which only 7 per cent are Jubilee supporters and 37 per cent are Cord supporters.

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The survey, conducted between July 30 and August 9, also assessed the confidence ratings of the Senate, the National Assembly Speaker, the Cord principals, the majority leader of the National Assembly and political parties.


Confidence in the National Assembly, National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi, National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale and senators is equally low, all with a rating of below 20 per cent.


The general rating of confidence for the National Assembly, according to the survey, is 14 per cent, 15 per cent for the National Assembly Speaker, 12 per cent for the Majority Leader, 22 per cent for the youth MPs and 19 per cent for senators.




The National Assembly Speaker and the House Majority Leader, however, enjoy more confidence among Jubilee supporters.

The researchers also looked at the knowledge of respondents on their MPs, focusing on names and approval as well as the general performance of the current Parliament. According to the findings, a majority of Kenyans would re-elect their current MP.


The Ipsosโ€™ 2nd Quarter 2015 survey, however, shows that more rural residents have knowledge of their MP compared with their urban residents.

Generally, at least 79 in every 100 Kenyans can correctly identify their local MPs and know them by name.


An interesting finding was that fewer urban residents โ€” 69 per cent โ€” know their constituency MPs by name, compared with rural areas where the knowledge of area MPs is high, at 85 per cent.
The proportion of knowledge of area MPs is higher in western, eastern, central, northeastern and Nyanza regions, at between 89 and 81 per cent. Nairobi has a low of 59 per cent.

According to the researchers, this is a pointer to the higher level of interest in rural politics.




โ€œThis is evidently a reflection of two realities: first, that many urban-dwellers pay more attention to constituency-level politics in their rural home-areas (and perhaps also go to vote there), while others do not vote in the constituency in which they live in the capital, but in another of the countyโ€™s 17 constituencies,โ€ they stated.


This could also be the explanation to the variations across Kenyaโ€™s other regions.

The survey also sought to make a comparison of the perceptions of Kenyans on the performance of the current Parliament with the previous one.

In this regard, the former parliament, under the Grand Coalition Government, scores slightly higher, at 37 per cent versus 30 per cent for the current parliament.

Jubilee supporters contacted through the survey, however, recorded a 50 per cent feeling that the Eleventh Parliament has performed better, compared with just 23 per cent of Cord supporters who felt the same way. 42 per cent Cord supporters expressed feeling that it has performed worse.


Thirty per cent of the respondents who felt that the current Parliament was better than the previous cited development while 11 per cent cited leadership and nine per cent cited the implementation of the constitution.




By contrast, 28 per cent felt it has not performed as well in leadership and 21 per cent felt it has not done as well on matters of corruption.

A further 14 per cent felt it has performed worse on parliamentary procedure and 10 per cent felt it has failed on development.

According to the researchers, Ms Hilda Kiritu and Mr Tom Wolf, โ€œwhat is evident is that Cord supporters are more comfortable with the Jubilee leadership as compared to the Jubilee supporters that are comfortable with the Cord leadership.โ€

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