When a diaspora goes back to Kenya, it is often because they believe that home is best. Whether one goes back to start a business, to respond to a call for a job or just because they are tired of the foreign country, they go back because home is home. It was the case with Senate Candidate Teresia Wairumu’s husband Mr. Kairu  who passed away in the hands of thugs. The couple went back to pursue a higher call.
When they left the United States to settle in Kenya, it was because they believed they can make a difference! Theirs was not just words, but a conviction. They arrived at my door in Kijabe in 2008. They wanted to talk to a fellow Diaspora about a passion they had. After the usual Ugali, spinach, chapati with beef stew, we settled for the Kenyan Chai. It is during this time that they broke the news to me. The husband presented the purpose of their visit, “Teddy my wife Terry is going to run for office.” They had been sent by my buddy from Kim-media group in Atlanta who thought I might help with the press.
After listening to this man make a passionate case for his wife, I was sold. My reluctance to involvement in political campaigns not withstanding, I could not help but see the passion in this couple’s eyes. I agreed to do the best I could to help her become the Senator for Kiambu county.
This former diaspora couple worked so hard, spending their hard earned cash because they believed that we in the Diaspora talk too much against the Kenya political landscape but do nothing. Mrs. Kairu’s husband was sold to the idea that his wife was the right person for Kiambu County. He believed in his wife’s ability to transform the political landscape in Kenya.
Though Terry Wairimu Kairu did not win the Senatorial seat, she and her husband made an impact in my life. They went out of the way to sacrifice because they believed that Kenya deserves better. Now, this man is gone and she is left alone. Speaking to authorities in their village, Mr. Kairu fought with the thugs until finally they overcame him.
When I heard that he fought off the thugs, I said, “that is the man I knew.” A man who did not chicken out of the fight on behalf of the people of Kiambu County. He saw himself as one with his wife, not sparing anything on her behalf believing that each of us, man or woman are called to fight for that which is GOOD.
If the diaspora had more couples like these wonderful Kenyans, we would never seat around in Atlanta complaining about how bad things are in Kenya. I tell myself this as a testimony of a Good Diaspora husband, father, friend, and a true Kenyan. Will miss that man!
Teddy Njoroge Kamau (PhD) HTBluff Associates. An EMG Consortium. Diaspora Messenger Senior Columnist.
Tribute to Fallen Diaspora Kenyan murdered by thugs: He fought till the end!