Saturday, September 7, 2024

Khalwale snubs Uhuru’s Bungoma event

Khalwale snubs Uhuru's Bungoma event
Khalwale snubs Uhuru’s Bungoma event

Bonny Khalwale stormed out of the President’s Kibabi University awards charter ceremony saying his press team was frustrating Opposition leaders.

The Kakamega Senator said there had been a breach of protocol “aimed at embarrassing the Opposition”, adding they could no longer stomach it.

He and other leaders earlier accompanied President Uhuru Kenyatta and DP William Ruto to the commissioning of Sirisa -Lwakahaka road at the Kenya-Uganda border.

They had also been to Bumula and Kapuchai constituencies for the launch of water projects funded by the Korean and Italian governments.

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“We have seen this all the way from Lwakhakaha to the stops at Sirisa, Chwele and Mayanja. We have been frustrated a lot and not given time to address residents in the region we command,” he said.

“Now we have arrived here but have no seats in the presidential dais. All the seats have other leaders’ names with none seat for me, Bungoma Senator Moses Wetang’ula and opposition MPs.”

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Addressing journalists before leaving the venue, Khalwale said he was surprised that Sirisa MP John Waluke, whom he noted works with Jubilee, was allowed to speak andย Kabuchai MP James LuswetI (Cord) denied the opportunity.

“I have looked at the programme and we have not been listed as speakers so we are to sit here as spectators. We cannot allow ourselves to be ridiculed because of our high ranking with the community. That is why I am leaving for Kakamega,” he said.

The Senator said the goverment was afraid of what Opposition leaders would say in their speeches about allegations of voter bribery against Wetang’ula.

“We know they do not want us to tell them not to keep pestering our leader Wetang’ula on threats to remove him from the voters’ register, which we would have face to face,” he said.

“I know they did not want to feature us in the programme because we want to tell them touching Wetang’ula will be touching the eye of the Mulembe community, bearing in mind that he now commands the entire Western region.”

Khalwale also kept off Uhuru and Ruto’s dinner with Western leaders at the State Lodge in Kakamega.


Khalwale snubs Uhuru’s Bungoma event


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