Thursday, February 13, 2025

Diaspora organization has big plans for Kenya

Diaspora organization has big plans for Kenya
Diaspora organization has big plans for Kenya

Mr. Kirui wakes up in early morning hours to milk his cows. He bottles up two gallons and takes them to a local store to be sold. The rest he sells from home or at outdoor markets.  Milk has a short shelf life so the store which has no cold room will not accept his evening milk. What the farmer cannot use or sell is literally wasted. Surprisingly, there is a dairy in town four and half miles away where he could easily double his income. But he has no means of getting his milk there due to poor hilly roads and lack of transportation. A bicycle could suffice but there is no bicycle assembly plant in the region. The infrastructure may need upgrading but the farmers who are in the same boat as he is are not willing to undertake such a task. Eyeing an opportunity, Kudo in partnership with others device a plan to build a bicycle assembly plant in the region not only to supply this area but a wider market with the end results of creating jobs, improving infrastructure and profitability for farmers and sound financial returns for Kudo members. This story could easily be repeated by a fisherman whose catch rots before it reaches the market where Kudo could provide refrigerated trucks or construct a vacuum packaging plant.

Using Economics of Scale models that keep prices low and production high Kudo intends to focus on opportunities that exist in a rapidly growing Kenyan Economy. By owning its own processing and production plants to add value and introduce high valued branded products, Kudo intends to produce, process and transport manufactured and agricultural goods for delivery and sale locally, within Africa and in global markets. This end to end process will bring a margin that is captured in a manner that brings customer satisfaction and allows the group members to share in positive financial returns. Kudo is willing to partner with the government and other investors to support community development projects and improve national infrastructure system so that the movement of people and goods will not be hindered in a vibrant economy.

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A key Kudo objective is to initiate lasting benefits to local communities by focusing on education and training to make Kenyans less dependent on others and to be better qualified to do the jobs being created. While remittances from the diaspora are generally beneficial to an individual family or the national foreign currency reserves, the downside is the fact they are apt to create a cycle of chronic non-productive dependency where no measurable economic activity can be documented. On the other hand a created job brings confidence and self-esteem to the worker, it lifts up the entire family. A lifted family produces more jobs in the village until the village becomes a prosperous little town. Therefore Kudo will make considerable efforts to save jobs by sourcing out all needed goods and services from local firms. The principle of absolute integrity is imbedded in all Kudo affairs and its anti-corruption and bribery policy must never be misunderstood by those it intends to do business with.

Africa is projected to be the largest consumer market by 2040. In fact 7 out 10 fastest growing economies are in Africa. Kudo is positioning itself to capitalize on this reality. In the diaspora Kudo is working on the challenging chore to meet the legal requirements to own businesses and to manage financial services for the benefit her members. Cultural and Educational Programs are being developed so that our youth can be proud of their national heritage as they prepare to enter job markets and to take over organizations such as this in the looming historical generational change. As a global grassroots organization Kudo will always speak out with one voice to the issues and concerns that affect her membership whether it is corruption and vice in the Motherland, exploitation and molestation of workers in the Arab countries, discrimination and harassment anywhere or Voting rights and Registration process in the diaspora. And of course Kudo will cheer and honor commitments met and jobs well done with a distinctive unitary accord.

A well-developed system is essential for supporting and nurturing a grand vision such as this to grow and to bear fruits. The organizational and financial groundwork being formulated is very promising. Kudo believes with confidence that God will provide all that is needed for this just cause through contributions and commitment of Kudo supporters, sponsors, partners, investors and members like you.   To join this visionary group of members logon website and just follow the registration instructions. On the website you will also find additional information about organizational structure, mission, goals and objectives. This is just a glimpse of what Kudo is going to become. The foundational stones have already been laid now your participation is needed in building. The rewards and benefits are be worth it.

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Thank you.

Yusef Kariuki.-

Diaspora organization has big plans for Kenya


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