Embattled Supreme Court Judge Philip Tunoi has come out to admit that the phone number used to communicate in the Sh200 Million bribery allegations belonged to him.
Justice Tunoi, accused of allegedly receiving the amount to influence the outcome of an election petition case against Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero, admitted that the number being referred to was his, but messages sent through it did not come from him.
The judge refuted claims that he wrote information quoted in the affidavit by whistle blower Geoffrey Kiplagat, explaining that the messages exchanged were just ‘structured’ to appear like he was the one communicating.
“Anyone can get my number from anywhere and claim that we had whatever exchanges. Kiplagat might have tried calling me unknowingly but I did not talk to him because normally I don’t talk to people I don’t know,” he was quoted by the Standard.
Tunoi further blamed Chief Justice (CJ) Willy Mutunga for the mess in the Judiciary, accusing him of failing to control succession wars in the legal arm of the government.
“I think the CJ has not given good leadership in the succession war. He has said before that he has interest in the choice of the next CJ. This has something to do with the composition of the Supreme Court during the General Election next year,” Mr Tunoi stated.
The bribery claims by Mr Kiplagat caused a public uproar with the Chief Justice admitting that there was corruption in the Judiciary, adding how judges and magistrates had been compromised during election of Judicial Service Commission.