Tuesday, March 4, 2025



Why  Kudo Exists:There are many genuine organizations in the diaspora and a serious need for them to exist. In fact some of them perform exceptionally well within the scope in which they were created, rewarding members with enormous benefits. Enrollment in most these organizations is primarily based on identified single common interest such as investment co-operative, profession, religion, gender, politics, region and even ethnicity. Therefore many of these organizations are non-inclusive, are politically tainted or painted with spotty records on their mandates. An all-inclusive organization with a clean slate is thus needed.  As a result Kudo has emerged as an all-inclusive non-political grassroots-based organization whose laser sharp focus is aimed at the socio-economic security of her members, prosperity for their posterity, well being of the Motherland and solidarity of a people with a shared national heritage and a single voice. The only contest that exists in Kudo is performance self-evaluation, otherwise Kudo is not in competition with anyone and would never ask a person to exit an organization in which they have membership.

As an organization, Kudo has vowed to stay out of political games that would compromise its independence and integrity. Supporting and/or endorsing a party or a candidate means incarcerating yourself into a trap by limiting your possibilities at best or at worst alienating the members themselves which is a proven prerequisite for disintegration of many organizations. Kudo cannot be in the business of putting or pulling people in and out of parliament. Voters do that quite well. On the other hand Kudo will work in collaboration with any elected government regardless of who is in power and her involvement will be limited to the issues and policies that affect the well-being of Kudo members and the status of their investments. Considering the diversity and complexity of the diaspora it would be so fake and laughable for Kudo or any other organization to claim to speak on behalf of the entire diaspora. Kudo will speak on behalf of her members only. Individual members have their citizenship rights to support, campaign and vote for a candidate of their choice without Kudo interference.

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Many investor organizations in the diaspora have pursued an economic formula of purchase and speculate. They buy properties such as land and buildings in the Motherland and then hold them for prospective purposes. Kudo has concluded that owning idle land and renting apartments has poor returns and is not the economic engine that the Motherland craves for to drive a sustainable economic growth and development. Therefore Kudo cannot put members’ resources into such speculative projects. Instead Kudo has embarked on an ambitious economic strategy in manufacturing to utilize economics of scale in order to own factories that produce varieties of high quality Kudo labeled products for markets around the world. There is no limit in the variety goods that can be manufactured in Kenya when partnering with global manufacturing giants and business leaders. This economic track will be pursued very aggressively. Manufacturing is the only industry that can create authentic jobs at all levels, from high school graduates in assembly lines to PHDs in research and development. According to the Economist journal no country has attained a high standard of living without putting a lot of workers through factory gates except those few economies that are based on tax havens and money laundering. New manufacturing industries are emerging everywhere in Africa which in 2016 is the world’s fastest growing continent. Farming and services are still dominant but when the manufacturing boom hits Kudo wants to be in a position to take full advantage.

The other economic track that Kudo will pursue is the private/public partnership where Kudo seeks to partner and collaborate with the government to build national infrastructure and participate in development projects for financial gain. These business endeavors must be conducted in a transparent environment compatible with the values of a modern day free society where intimidation and corruption is never to be tolerated.  Kudo will soon be managing her own financial institution and with the astronomical human capital and knowledge in the diaspora will be in a good position to contract such ventures. If only 20 percent of the remittances that go to the Motherland are invested in just these two tracks you would witness a remarkable and sustainable economic growth that creates permanent employment and raises the standard of living for many within a very short period of time.

There are many challenges in the diaspora. Among the most daunting one is the issues related to children born in the diaspora. They are torn between two cultures and two worlds. Although national identities tend to weaken over time and across generations it has been proven that early cultural education, involvement in socio-cultural activities and even sponsored trips to the Motherland does strengthen the umbilical cord to the Motherland. Kudo is therefore developing a vibrant youth program that is meant to educate the youth about their national heritage and cultural pride. The idea is to mentor them on customs, beliefs and values so that they do not fall between the cracks as they blossom. It is imperative that the youth preserve cultural consciousness and national heritage knowledge as they mature and move on into careers or take over organizations such as this in approaching the generational transition.

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The structure of Kudo is based on grassroots philosophy where ideas are initiated and determined at grassroots level and then moved up for clarification and implementation. Those assigned to execute any concurred decisions are held accountable and responsible to deliver excellence promptly and honestly. Your membership is important because it confers you ownership but participation is key because you make the decisions. Kudo also is a place where enduring friendships are formed and business endeavors thrive through a variety of networking platforms and connections.

Kudo is not just another organization. It is people who needed to live in harmony, bound by a common thread of national heritage, speaking with one accord and focused on socio-economic security for themselves, guidance for their descendants and prosperity for the Motherland. They are not interested to be drawn into ethnic and political shenanigans but are eager to work with all willing and honest partners to realize the vision that they have created for themselves and the goals they have set. You also can become part of this vision. Kudo is all-inclusive and does not have membership criteria that is based on narrow interests. The only requirement for membership is that a person be of Kenyan heritage residing anywhere in the diaspora.  Now that is why kudo is exist.

Go to www.kudovoice for more information and registration.

Yusef Kariuki



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