Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Holy Spirit is the ultimate personal Prophet-Pauline Adongo

The Holy Spirit is the ultimate personal Prophet-Pauline Adongo
The Holy Spirit is the ultimate personal Prophet-Pauline Adongo

PERSONAL PROPHET- It appears that more and more the demands of life and or

changes in life structure require additional expertise or different approaches for

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handling life issues. We are in an age of increased demand for life coaches,

psychologists and therapists. Many are seeking mentorship or marketing themselves as

mentors; all of these are prevalent in the church and in daily life. However; the most

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experienced expert in life coaching and mentorship has been left out! This is the Holy


Though readily available to us, the Holy Spirit remains underutilized and has not been

maximized fully within the Body of Christ. Bear in mind that God still wants each

believer to see the unseen, hear the unheard, retrieve treasures and know the secrets

of God. All these can be achieved only by the Holy Spirit. So let’s tap on Him because:

PROXIMITY- The Holy Spirit is ever present in and with us. He is the “Omnipresent”

presence of God in us. When in need of counsel, we do not need to make a call or

schedule an appointment with Him. Since He is permanently close, living and working in

you, make a habit of consulting Him first on all issues. This is the “seeking ye first the

kingdom of God…”. Your personal Prophet is always with you.

ALL KNOWING -The Holy Spirit knows everything. If you recall, He is part of the Trinity.

As three in one in God, the Holy Spirt knows what is in God’s heart concerning you and

also knows your heart. Here are the advantages of this aspects of this mighty Prophet:

(1). He intercedes for us in the Spirit (ii) He relates with us in the Spirit aligning us to

the purposes of God, (iii)As the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit is the one who reveals the

secrets, mysteries and the treasures of God. Call to me and I will answer you and tell you

great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33.3. (iv) When prayer is led by

the Holy Spirit and when we pray and commune with the Holy Spirit, He will show us

the inner things of the Lord as designed by God for us. Also see

1 Corinthians 2: 9-12 NIV)- However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has

heard and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love

him these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things,

even the deep things of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within

them? In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. What we

have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may

Given that the Holy Spirit is all knowing and desires to do more and show us more;

welcome the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to show you to reveal and disclose

what you do not know. Learn how He talks or responds to you and be open to the

instructions and the answers He gives you. Yes, the Holy Spirit as a Prophet will not

withhold anything good from you. Caution! Be ready to handle the bad that He will

share also. Whenever the Holy Spirit exposes something bad is to create awareness,

bring us to repentance, it could be something He wants you to let go or pray about. All

of these are meant to mature or refine you. The Holy Spirit is not punitive.

understand what God has freely given us.

ASTUTE FORECAST- Since God sees the end from the beginning, this same Holy Spirit

is able to tell and show us current things and things to come. This is His other role as

the Prophet. Start asking the Holy Spirit for stuff you cannot understand or where you

need help in. He was assigned to provide us as counsel and to help us. That is why we

embrace Him as the Spirit of Counsel in Isaiah 11.2. In addition to counsel, the

following are just as necessary for our daily walk: The Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of

wisdom, The Spirit of understanding, the Spirit of power (might), the Spirit of the

knowledge(discernment) and the Spirit of the fear of the Lord

It’s all in the asking. Ask and you shall receive. As your daily permanent Prophet, ask

the God to fill with the above daily. You will be amazed at the mentorship of the Holy


PRAYER- Interestingly, prayer is an area most people are not comfortable with or

dedicated to on a regular basis. Sadly, some people have come to restrict prayers and

have limited it to “they can only be prayed for by certain people, namely spiritual

leaders, some have their own prophets on speed-dial whom they call at liberty or during

life emergencies; all while failing to recognize the Mighty Intercessor that is within them

who is the Holy Spirit. How about we call Him “Holy Spirit, our Personal Prayer

Prophet.” The Holy Spirit is also your personal Prophet in intercession, see (Romans

8:26, NIV)

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray

In order to benefit from this role of the Holy Spirit, He can only intercede through you

during prayer. So pray more in the Holy Spirit and allow Him to flow freely during

prayer. Praying in the Holy Spirit means pray in the language of the Spirit, commonly

known us prayer language or speaking in tongues.

Personally, I have learned to invite the Holy Spirit to guide me or take over prayer when

I start prayer. I simply say “Holy Spirit take over this prayer”. If praying for something

specific, I say,” Holy Spirit we are praying for this (name the issue). When you when

you invite the Holy Spirit to guide you in prayer and to pray with you, He not only prays

in groaning for you but the Holy Spirit also connects your spirit to God’s Spirit in prayer.

When this happens the prayer becomes synchronized to God’s will purpose for you. 1

Corinthians 2:12.

The prophetic aspect of the Holy Spirit during prayers also occurs when the Holy Spirit

prophesies, shows you or tells you somethings during prayer. This is how the prophetic

aspect of the Holy Spirit functions with you while alone in prayer. When this happens

write down what you see or hear during prayer. Habitually place a note pad and pen

next to you during prayer. Record the prophesies and any other instructions from the

Holy Spirit. If you need clarification, ask the Holy Spirit. He will direct you. If you cannot

find someone to intercede or “agree” with you in prayer, tap on the Holy Spirit your

ever present prayer partner.

for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans

Purpose to make the Holy Spirit your first point of contact on every issue. By doing this,

you would be seeking God’s kingdom first that all may be added to you. Seeking the

Holy Spirit also limits the tendencies to depend on man or things for solutions. This

makes us look up to and trust in God. This also helps us abstain from idolatry. Idolatry

in this context would be any person or thing that we highly value and trust more than


Granted, relying on the Holy Spirit does not negate seeking other prophesy such as

from those with prophetic gifts or those in the office of the prophet. I’m just

encouraging you to also recognize that you have Someone so close to you that you

need to know and start utilizing more of; the Holy Spirit. He is relatable and personal.

He will guide you in all truth, from where you need your nails manicured, to how to

prepare for a job interview, to the house you need to buy.

Get to know your personal Prophet. Learn to know how He speaks to you. He has been

talking. Get acquainted with the Holy Spirit because we are in the season of the

outpour of the Holy Spirit as promised in Acts 2:17. This is happening now as we speak!

Your Personal Prophet is right there in and with you ready to do more in you, for you

and with you!

Author: Pauline Adongo

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The Holy Spirit is the ultimate personal Prophet-Pauline Adongo


  1. […] As a result, God exalted him while he was on earth, and he grew in stature, wisdom, and favor with God and man ( Luke 2:51-52). By practicing humility, he brought the kingdom of God to earth through healing, saving, delivering, raising the dead, teaching, and disciplining others. […]

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