Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Spiritual Warfare Basics: Entry Points or Doors-Pauline Adongo

Spiritual Warfare Basics: Entry Points or Doors-Pauline Adongo
Spiritual Warfare Basics: Entry Points or Doors-Pauline Adongo

Before diving into spiritual warfare, it’s important to note that nothing is elementary about it. Even at the most basic level, the battle can be intense. This post will cover foundational information one should know before engaging in spiritual warfare.

Satan may attack for a reason or solely out of his adversarial nature, picking a fight. In spiritual warfare, these reasons are referred to as entry points or doors, which can be internal or external. There are incidences, however, where causes or doors are not reasons for the attack; the enemy would want to oppose or frustrate a person from doing God’s work.

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An open door can be described as a location, place, or habit that Satan has identified as a weak point that he can use to launch an attack or to weaken to destroy ultimately. Examples of internal doors include habitual, unrepentant sin, issues of the heart that need healing, false beliefs that result in self-imposed limitations, or the existence of a dominant demonic spirit in a person or region.

External doors are hidden things that we are unaware of that need to be brought to the surface to heal; sadly, because they are hidden, they can camouflage and be mistaken for one’s personality when they are not. External doors include trauma of any kind, negative and ungodly soul ties, contact with unholy objects, false religion, cults, and false teachings, and involvement with occult or psychic operations, satanic covenants, rituals, demonic dedications or practices, curses, negative words spoken by the individual or projected to the individual, and life experiences that may subject a person to rejection, fear, abandonment, or victimization.

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Identifying the doors is done in partnership with the Holy Spirit by asking him what doors were opened, what needs to be uprooted, and what entries need to be shut to bring a breakthrough. So, whether it’s a nation, city, community, neighborhood, or an individual who needs liberty, knowing the doors becomes your most potent weapon because you can now hit the target through prayer and deliverance. Isn’t it interesting that what the enemy used as a weak point becomes your most lethal arsenal?

Scriptures: Isaiah 22:22-23, Matthew 12: 43-45, Revelation 3:7

For group training on spiritual warfare and deliverance or to receive deliverance ministry, email

By Pauline Adongo/Diaspora Messenger Contributor


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Spiritual Warfare Basics: Entry Points or Doors-Pauline Adongo

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