Friday, July 26, 2024

Families of slain trio to be compensated, says Kindiki

Senate Majority Leader Kithure Kindiki

Senate Majority Leader Kithure Kindiki has said the families of slain lawyer Willie Kimani and two others will be compensated.

Prof Kindiki said leaders are committed to ensure the families are compensated since their kin died in the hands of the police.

“We will ensure as local leaders from this region that the families of the three slain Kenyans are compensated and we also ask them to follow up the matter with relevant Government departments,” said Kindiki.

He also called for life imprisonment of the police officers who were involved in the murders.

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Kindiki said police should stop extra-judicial killings and instead protect Kenyans.

“It is unfortunate if the police, who are supposed to protect citizens, turn around and kill the same people they are supposed to protect,” he said.

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He urged the Government to ensure a proper inquest is conducted to restore Kenyans’ confidence in the police service.

Kindiki spoke on Saturday at Makanyanga, Chuka Igambang’ombe constituency, during a fund-raiser.

He condemned the murder of Mwenda, a resident of Tharaka Nithi, who was killed together with his lawyer Kimani and taxi driver Muiruri two weeks ago.

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