Saturday, July 27, 2024

No sex for Siaya men against ODM 6-piece vote pattern – lobby

Siaya county ladies in support of six piece voting pattern who have vowed to rally their fellow women to deny their men conjugal Right if they don't support six piece voting pattern in Siaya

A group of women supporting the ODM six-piece vote pattern in Siaya have kicked off an initiative to rally all women to deny their partners conjugal rights if they don’t support the decision.

The women, calling themselves Sisters With A Target (pictured) — said their core duty is to ensure NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga ascends to power with enough foot soldiers to defend his presidency.

SWAT, led by Irene Achieng, said it will criss-cross the county in the remaining 12 days to advocate a clean ODM sweep in all elective positions. She said they will appeal passionately to men, who are against the six-piece vote pattern, to heed their call. so Raila does not become a lame duck President.

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They target to convert all men.

Achieng’ said the intaitive will see 99 per cent of registered voters turnout to vote in favour of ODM candidates.

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“Initially, we had focussed on only the NASA presidential flagbearer, but it has dawned on as that Raila will be a weak President if he does not have the numbers in Parliament and the Council of Governors to back his administration’s policies,” she said.

They added that male converts will be at liberty to “ask their wives or girlfriends to grant them their conjugal rights anytime they wish until August 6”.

“Just like Baba [Raila] said, we need to be energetic, sober and vibrant from August 7 to turn up en masse to vote on August 8 and secure our votes,” Achieng’ added.

The group said it has been at the forefront in campaiging for Raila in the past elections, but added that “our cause has always been derailed by men.”

It seeks to ensure a 99 per cent voter turnout. It accused Siaya men aof being used as political puppets to cause chaos.

The women urged Siaya men to respect Raila and adopt the party’s position. Raila had urged residents to elect ODM candidates, but added that NASA-leaning independents are also “my people”.


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