Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Promotion to Glory of Eric Ndaka’s Sister

It is with much sorrow and acceptance of God’s will we announce the passing on to glory of our sister Ms. Joyce Nthenya Kisilu Ngulli at the age of 72 years on Monday, 08/07/2017. She hails from  Ngamba village, Miu location. Ms. Joyce and her late husband Mr. Christopher Kisilu Ngulli were blessed with seven children namely; Mwikali, Ndunge, Kamene, Monthe, Muoki, Ngulli and Koki and proud grandparents of several grand children.
She was sister to Wanza Ndaka, Eric Ndaka, sister-in-law to Jane Ndaka, auntie to Mr Wilby Kimweli all of Maryland. She leaves behind, Nephews: Gideon Kioko of PA, Kyalo Kioko, Paul Kioko,, Muoki Ndaka, Muala Ndaka, Bruce Mbithi. Nieces: Rosita Muoki, Charity Kioko and Dalila Mbithi all of Maryland, auntie to Rev. Joseph and Sophie Okello of Orlando, sister to the late Josephine Nthambi Kioko, Sister to Leah Kilonzo of Makueni, sister to Phyllis Mumbua Ngulli of Kangundo, sister to Agnes Mbatha Nyamu, and Josephat Mwangangi Ndaka of Matungulu, and sister-in-law to Mr. John Munyao Nyamu of Komarock.
There is a memorial service planned for our loved one on Sunday 08/13/2017 starting at 3.30pm at the DFI Church; 13100 Andrew Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904
The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.
Thank you in advance for your support during this tempting moment.
It is well.
For more information please contact the following people;
Muia Kivuvani; 240-370-3775
Muiindi Mbingu 240-277-1028
Eric Ndaka; 301-467-5910
Chris Kieti; 301-675-5504

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