Kenya is currently facing a moment of political uncertainty. And there is a lot of negative energy all over the place. But let us face it; every cloud has a silver lining. And there is indeed a silver lining in this whole situation, if only we committed to become the positive influence that there can be around our circles. Here are 5 ways how you can cope with this current state of affairs:
- Guard your thoughts:Â Work on generating thoughts that are geared towards building a better society. To do these, watch, read the right literature and be in the right forums. Whatever you do, avoid implanting hate.
- Watch your words: Try to speak with a good measure of sensitivity. Do not utter words that will make you regret 5 or 10 years down the line.This is the time people can easily be provoked by the slightest of issues – especially misplaced words.
- Emotions are like fire: Fire provides warmth and comfort but when unsupervised, they can cause a major disaster. Guard your emotions and control them in whatever you do. Do not post messages that may stir up negative emotions. Do not share photos that poison people’s emotions. Remember the situation we are in as a nation is very temporally. We need each other after this temporally dark cloud that will disappear very soon.
- Make Decisions with your eyes set beyond the Horizon: Your decisions should not be influenced by the current temporally situation. If you want to invest, to marry,to hire or whatever you have been planning to do, please go ahead and do it. Make these decisions to propel your purpose; this is not the time to give up. Don’t give up. This situation is a passing and melting snow. Let’s think long term. Do not join the masses in complaining and murmuring.
- Take a deliberate effort to be the salt and light of the world: Be the voice of reason. All actions you take will influence your personal brand. You can take the right action to create a great habit, a great character for yourself and your organization. This is not the time to fight certain communities or people just because of their transient political inclinations. It is the time to love them. Help them even if you don’t belong to their school of thought. Let us commit to be more civil, toss off any iota of egoism in us and stand to be counted.
Proverbs 23:7, for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Let us cultivate the right thoughts and stand up to be counted amongst the World’s greatest.
George Wachiuri is an Entrepreneur, a Philanthropist, a Motivational Speaker and the CEO, Optiven Group. To get more details on how you can invest with Optiven Ltd. Kindly talk to us via 0702 831083 , 0738 831083, Email; Website:
What happens to a country when a donkey makes the decisions that people are supposed to make, you will find it every day in the news media. #dumbdonkeydecisions