Saturday, March 29, 2025


GOD SPEAKS THROUGH SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS-God could be talking to you?McDonald’s restaurants are among my favorite fast food chains. It’s McDonalds followed by In-N-Out Burger on the west coast. I love Mickie-D French fries and their burgers. You cannot convince me otherwise. May be it’s because I worked there; my first job was at McDonald in Newark, New Jersey. I worked the closing shift and the weekends to accommodate my school schedule. I was freshly new to the USA. I recall mobbing the floor one Saturday afternoon; I heard in my spirit, “this will change”. This boosted my morale. I continued working knowing change will come.

From McDonalds, I worked other jobs too from housekeeping in hotels to nursing assistant.  Please leave a tip for the housekeeper in hotels. Tidy up the room a little before you leave.  It is a tough job! To save for college tuition, in summer I tripled in working (do not recommend it-don’t overwork yourself). Connecting from one job to another in my red hooded blue Plymouth Horizon- drove this car till it died, seriously stopped on me!

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Generally, dreams start somewhere. No matter where you are in life, it may not be the ideal place, but God will bless you where you are. Joseph’s story from Genesis chapter 37 to Genesis chapter 50 is an encouragement of God’s favor, blessing, provision and protection. From the start we see God blessing Joseph. From dreaming -the pit -to being sold -to being handled over to pharaoh’s guards-to serving in pharaohs house-being falsely accused- to being imprisoned- being ignored-to finally being promoted to Prime Minister; God was with Joseph in each stage. In fact God’s presence was so noticeable because everything prospered around Joseph.

What’s your current situation? Are you somewhere you feel is not for you? Have you been ignored and by-passed in promotions? Was the compensation rate unfair? Did you miss the contract bid? Has your church only a few members? Did everybody leave? Have they skipped you in selecting you for an office? How come you are not a deacon (ness) or an elder yet? Can’t they see you can be the pastor? Did the less qualified person get the job? Are you stretching with little that you have left? Are you doing all you know to do and things seems at status quo? Could you use a promotion right about now?

Do not despise where you are. Continue to serve with thanksgiving and joy in the occupation you are. After all, as believers, where we are ministries. Continue to minister with excellence. The Lord hears our cries and He will deliver and save us from all fears and troubles Psalm 34:4-6. He will fulfill your desire of since you fear Him.  Psalm 145:19

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Soon you too will have testimony like Joseph. The Lord was with Joseph and he found favor; he was successful, pharaoh and Egypt were blessed because of Joseph. Pretty soon, many will watch you and glorify God. They will say, because the Lord was with him/her (put your name here); and whatever he/she did, the Lord made it prosper.

​By Pauline Adongo
The Ministry of Jesus Christ International Inc. Facebook/Twitter/Instagram​



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