Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Kenyans Fighting Corruption: Thriving in Truth vs Surviving in Lies.

Kenyans Fighting Corruption: Thriving in Truth vs Surviving in Lies.
Kenyans Fighting Corruption: Thriving in Truth vs Surviving in Lies.

Kenyans, it is time to stand in unity for “No Mwananchi Left Behind” and speak up for ALL our rights.  We all need to change our mindset and culture to help each other in our mission of Thriving in Truth instead of Surviving in Lies.

The Kenyan Constitution Chapter 6, Articles 73-76 says elected officials are representatives of its constituents, are to serve them and when sworn in, take an oath to serve the citizens.  They are also prohibited from financial gain from their positions.

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We all know that 90% have violated this.

Therefore, it is incumbent on the new Attorney General, Paul Kihara Kariuki to start enforcement of this law as per Chapter 9, Part 4, Article 156 (6) “The Attorney-General shall promote, protect and uphold the rule of law and defend the public interest.”

3 Steps in Fighting Corruption

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1.       The Attorney General in conjunction with the Office of Director of Public Prosecution:

Beginning July 1st, 2018, the AG and the DPP should set up a 6-month Amnesty period (for anyone who has been in politics (MCA and above) or held senior government (middle management – supervisor and above) official positions over last 7 years since enactment of the Kenyan Constitution incorporating the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act of 2003.) to return 80% of misappropriated funds to Central Bank of Kenya Anti-Corruption Account with corresponding Agency/entity funds taken from. Misappropriated funds calculated as amassed wealth / current assets (properties & funds in bank accounts) versus the lifestyle in their total take-home government paycheck during tenure in office could support, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

Failure to comply within the amnesty period would result in s/he forfeiting ALL assets including those of immediate family members (wives, girlfriends, siblings, kids, agents or principals and in-laws) and/or business partners being frozen and ALL concerned individuals arrested for corruption.  Bail set of Kshs. 1 million as the investigation commences.

2.      An in-depth scientific study of the systemic environment that allows corruption to thrive including inefficiency in service delivery and cartels.

3.      Include Anti-Corruption as a Mandatory subject in all levels of the Education curriculum (from primary to tertiary levels).

Twende kazi and let us all work together and get this message out to every Mwananchi to let it be known that Wananchi wamechoka na talking about corruption: it is time for action. We ALL want to Thrive and end the struggle to Survive.

Justification: Why Wananchi should say no to corruption now and not tomorrow:

(1)   Corruption is not simply a moral question: it is a major contributor to the following: poverty, economic stagnation, inequity, socio-economic neglect and the national mood of depression.

(2)   The existing constitutional authorities responsible for effectively stamping out corruption (Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) that replaced the KACC (Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission) have yet to show their teeth at the menace called corruption.

(3)   Corruption is not simply the principle of “You scratch my back, I scratch yours” as many understand it: “grabiosis” is symptomatic of corruption gone amok and it involves denying a right to those most deserving citizens-a right enshrined in our constitution. Corruption creates structures that impede development and keeps Mwananchi wa kawaida from benefits accrued to economic advancement.

(4)   Most nation states such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Finland, South Korea etc. were at the same level with Kenya at independence: they are where they are today because they had courage to tackle corruption. Kenya was left behind because of lack of courage to deal with the menace.

(5)   Our rejection of corruption is not an attack on any Party, it is an attack on the political class and public servants in general who will be coming back to the voter for a license to continue reaping what is not rightfully theirs. We are mindful that corruption does not know county boundaries or political parties: it cuts in all directions.

(6)   Most importantly, this effort should be understood as part of voter education who are the ones to bear the brunt of the evil called corruption. In the next segment, we provide an actionable proposal that can be implemented, provided there is political will of the ruling class to crack the whip.

Rudisha Pesa za Wananchi wa Kenya Tujenge Inchi Yetu! #TwendeKazi Campaign!

By Pauline Tiako & Peterson Githungo


Kenyans Fighting Corruption: Thriving in Truth vs Surviving in Lies.

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