Like President Donald Trump of the United States, Kenya’s president is known to not like the media. His historical statements on the media suggest that he does not have much value for the general media outlets.
He once called the newspapers in Kenya “papers for wrapping meat.” President Donald Trump is also known for his dislike of the media. Since his political campaign in 2016, he has constantly called media houses ‘fake media’ and their products ‘fake news.”
During his massive political rallies, he had his followers chant, “CNN sucks” after declaring them and others to be disgusting, dishonest and fake. However, like President Uhuru Kenyatta, he uses social media to communicate his message. Though Donald Trump has more following than Uhuru Kenyatta, both leaders love to use social media.
However it has come to the attention of many media analysts that when it comes to television, Trump loves to watch Fox News channel. He has personally praised their morning shows as excellent and honest.On the side of Uhuru Kenyatta, he recently said he does not watch television anymore because of the nonsense touted by ‘so called analysts.’
However, there is one form of media that Uhuru Kenyatta loves, and that is Biblia Husema Broadcasting and Bibilia Broadcasting Network. These two stations from Kijabe are his favorite stations. He has been recorded calling their radio station, 96.7 to convey greetings to his friends, and request the old school hymns and music from Tanzania with his favorite request being, ‘Bwana Mungu Alisema na Abrahamu.’
He met recently with both Professor Teddy Njoroge Kamau (Ph.D.) and Rev. Dr. Christopher Arap Mutai, in State House, Nairobi. He wanted to discuss the role of Christian Broadcasting in Kenya. He emphasized the role historical Christian media in Kenya played in shaping the country’s moral compass, and also how it influenced the country’s first, second and third presidents.
He told the story of him driving around in his father’s limousine on Sunday afternoons listening to Wimbo Niupendao from Kijabe. He challenged the two Kenya Christian Broadcasting leaders to aspire to do even greater work of Christian Broadcasting. He called Kenya Christian Broadcasting the moral compass of the nation.