Some teachers on Wednesday staged a protest in Nairobi calling for the resignation of Kenya National Union of Teachers Secretary-General Wilson Sossion.
The teachers drawn from Nairobi and Kiambu counties, camped outside Knut offices and demanded that Mr Sossion be replaced by Mr Hesbon Otieno.
They accused Mr Sossion of mismanaging Knut funds.
They also accused him being illegally in office as he was sacked as a primary school teacher by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) last year.
TSC CEO Nancy Macharia sacked Mr Sossion after he was nominated to Parliament by ODM following the 2017 General Election.
Mr Sossion challenged the dismissal in court and the case is ongoing.
During the demo, the teachers said they want a non-partisan leader who will be able to fight for the rights of teachers without any political affiliations.
The teachers pointed out that Constitution does not allow teachers to engage in political matters and Mr Sossion should not be an exception.
Embakasi Knut Representative John Kibogo said Mr Sossion has not been able to fight for the rights of teachers effectively.
“Let Mr Sossion was remain in Parliament and allow teachers to control their own affairs,” he said.
Seven teachers moved to court last month seeking the removal of Mr Sossion. They accused Mr Sossion of holding two jobs.
Mr Sossion had on Wednesday called for a press briefing but it was cancelled as the teachers threatened to disrupt and eject him from office.