Sunday, February 23, 2025

Daily Devotion: Spiritual Warfare; Brokenness

Daily Devotion: Spiritual Warfare; Brokenness
Daily Devotion: Spiritual Warfare; Brokenness

Psalm 51:17 (AMP
17 My [only] sacrifice [acceptable] to God is a broken spirit;
A broken and contrite heart [broken with sorrow for sin, thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise.

When Jesus walked on the face of this earth, He displayed the working of the power of God. His first miracle was at a wedding where He turned water into wine but before that, after He was baptized, we see Him come face to face with the devil when the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness. Using the word, we see Jesus push back the temptations that the enemy throws His way. Jesus comes out victorious but sin still has a grip on the human race.

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At one time Jesus comes face to face with a man possessed by demons and at the sight of Jesus the demons tremble and request to be sent to the pigs. At just the word of Jesus, the demons leave the man and they enter into the pigs which jump off the cliff, what a victory and such a display of power and authority but sin still has a grip on man, he is still a slave to sin.

Lazarus dies and he is buried and his sisters and those when had come to mourn with them think it is all over. Jesus comes and tells them to roll the stone away and all He does is call out to Lazarus to come forth and the dead man comes out walking full of life.

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Daily Devotion: Spiritual Warfare; Brokenness

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