THE WORD IS: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27
THE POINT IS: In a chaotic world where conflict and turmoil abound, peace is a rare commodity. The world’s attempts to provide us with peace are numerous, but the results are few and far between. And if, or when, the “so called” peace does come, it is incomplete and inadequate. The truth is that all humans have flawed flesh, subject to deep-seated inner fears and insecurity. When the pressure becomes intense, our hearts become troubled and we become afraid. And yet, in the midst of all this stands thePrince of Peace—Jesus Christ the Lord! He is the only source of peace sufficient for the task. He offers perfect peace. The Lord’s peace (unlike the world’s peace which is temporal and inadequate) is effective, enduring, and eternal! There is no real peace apart from the Prince of Peace! And He is here for you!
THE APPLICATION IS: Jesus Christ offers you His peace. He gives you His peace by giving youHimself. Upon receiving Christ, you have peace with God and you have the peace of God. You gain a new source of peace through Jesus Christ your Lord. He will calm your troubled soul with a word, “Peace, be still” (Mark 4:39). Therefore, entrust your life completely to Him, and then receive His peace for every situation in your life. The kind of peace Christ offers is an anchor for your soul. His peace will keep you together even when the world around you is falling apart. The Prince of Peace will calm you in the midst of your storms, get you through your storms, and ultimately calm your storms. All fear and anxiety are banished in the midst of His perfect peace! And then peace like a river will flood your soul!Hallelujah!!!
By Lewis & Lue Gregory