NTV news anchor Mark Masai has been trending on social media since the Friday night’s round table interview with President Uhuru Kenyatta at State House, Mombasa.
His response to the president, that he was not in Japan and was not concerned about Japan’s debt but that of Kenya, has sparked excitement among netizens.
Masai had engaged the President on the country’s rising debt, when Uhuru bounced back the question asking him what Japan’s debt was.
President: Do you know what the debt of the Japanese government is?
Masai: I’m not really concerned about japan
President: Do you know what the Kenyan debt is?
Masai: As I said right now its something between 4.5 to 4.8 trillion
President: No no no as a percentage of the GDP, talk like an economist
Masai: 56 per cent of GDP
President: What is Japan’s debt?
Masai: I’m not in japan so I’m not interested in Japan but Kenya
President: Japan’s debt is over 100 per cent of the GDP.
President Uhuru Kenyatta and Mark Masai differ on using a first world country’s statistics when discussing Kenya’s national debt. #PresidentialRoundTableKEpic.twitter.com/rwmKl4QlrS
— NTV Kenya (@ntvkenya) December 28, 2018
The President defended Kenya’s rising debt,explaining that he is borrowing to fund development projects that will imrpove the economy and not for consumption.
Masai’s response to the President has led to a series of memes online
George Waweru@MkulimaMdogo
Uhuru Kenyatta: My friend what is Japan’s GDP?
Mark Masai… I’m i in Japan,? Is Japan We, Is Kenya Japan , Are we Japan
Am off to Mars
1:02 PM – Dec 28, 2018
543 people are talking about this
Sedaula Mwangi®@MwangiSimon
Uhuru : what’s Kenyan debt?
Mark Masai: 56% of GDP
Uhuru: what’s Japan’s debt?
Mark Masai: Am not in Japan Sir#PresidentRoundTableKE
12:42 PM – Dec 28, 2018
1,062 people are talking about this
JB Omukangala@O_mukangala
Mark Masai kindly accept your accolade #PresidentRoundTableKE
1:58 AM – Dec 29, 2018
See JB Omukangala’s other Tweets
President Uhuru Kenyatta trying to Pin Mark Masai down with Japan Tales
1:37 AM – Dec 29, 2018
See #FreeUganda’s other Tweets
Uhunye: What is Kenya’s Debt? (Braggingly) my friend, speak like an economist..
Mark Masai: 56pc of the Gdp
Uhunye: what is Japan’s Debt?
Mark: Am not in Japan, so am not Concerned hehe….
4:59 PM – Dec 28, 2018
See #BiggieSays™’s other Tweets
munyasa nambaka@MNambaka
Uhuru: Whats Japan’s GDP
Mark Masai : Am not in Japan sir
4:02 PM – Dec 28, 2018