The Anti-terrorism Police Unit (ATPU) on Wednesday morning raided the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) main offices in the ongoing probe into the registration of a vehicle used by 14 Riverside terrorists.
It is believed the ATPU officers stormed the premises at 9AM and arrested a few of the employees and took them to their Upper Hill offices for interrogation.
The officers also blocked anyone from entering or leaving the offices asking those seeking services at the Upperhill offices to cancel their plans and come back another day.
After the terrorist attack that killed 21 people and injured many, police impounded a car used by the attackers but it later emerged there was another car with a similar registration number KCN 340E.
Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) then raided Geojoska Apartments where the owner of the second car lived.
Questions emerged about the double registration and the spotlight was cast on the National Transport and Safety Authority which is mandated with the task.