Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Kenyan lady excels in USA-Administrator of the year in Dekalb County GA

Kenyan lady excels in USA-Administrator of the year in Dekalb County GADIASPORA VALID DREAMS: KENYAN LADY EXCELS IN AMERICA MRS. LUCY NDONGA- IS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE YEAR IN DEKALB COUNTY-GEORGIA: A shy young girl walking in the corridors of the famous Kenya High School many would call BOMAS some years back would not have made the tough headmistress Mrs. Wanjohi to turn her head but years down the line, Lucy is making heads to turn not in Kenya but in United states of America.

The lady with a dream of nurturing future leaders was chosen this year as the Administrator of the year in Dekalb County, a feat many cannot achieve in their life time but this daughter of Africa is making headlines in a County where Martin Luther King though dead is still a reigning King.

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Kenyan lady excels in USA-Administrator of the year in Dekalb County GA
Mrs. Lucy Ndonga Center

We at times envy our past and maybe Mrs. Lucy Ndonga was all dreaming to copy or even to become like her headmistress and as they say “believe and it will happen” it came to pass.

She may have been overfilled with joy when she shared her extreme happiness in the number one Diaspora forum DM messenger through one Christine Muchene known for her ear to the ground maneuvers’.

Here is the joyous note: “Lucy you join those other Kenyans inspired in the Diaspora.

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I thank God for being the Administrator of the year 2018 in DeKalb County School District in Georgia, the 3rd largest School District in the USA. Our motto according to our Superintendent Dr. Green is to Inspire, Achieve and Excel in every school regardless of social economic, color of their skin and diversity of their languages.

I could not have achieved this honor if it were not for my Principal Dr. Berger, our Assistant Principal Mr. Osorio, faculty and the staff and local volunteers of our school. Kudos to you all. UT Volunteer see what we can achieve? Dr. Ndonga thank you for your patience. God has not finished with me yet. Fountain of Life church see what God can do.

Finally the Bomas (Kenya High) have a shout I feel like Mrs. Wanjohi walking in the hallway.

Thank you diaspora community for your moral support and encouragement.

Teaching is a noble career but those who are called love it. Thank you all !!!!

We hereby salute our Kenyan Parent.

We fail because we do not try!


Kenyan Parents in USA .


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