IF ONLY SOME PEOPLE KNEW HOW KAREN WAS IN THE 60s: Gospel singer Ringtone has lashed back at the Karen Resident’s Association. This was after a letter circulating on social media revealed that the residents were not impressed by the cows in the Karen homestead.
“The letter is true and it was delivered to my gate this morning,” Ringtone told SDE in a phone interview.
The letter, whose authenticity we couldn’t confirm, indicated that the residents had complained about the cows and could pursue legal action if Ringtone did not adhere to the community residence association regulations.
“I got those cows when I was wooing Zari, but when she refused to take up my offer, I decided to keep them. Now they have multiplied and are also a source of milk which I am able to sell.”
Asked if he planned to comply with the request from the resident’s association, he insisted that his cows will not be leaving the plush neighborhood.
“I am not in violation of any codes. My cows are not trespassing into anyone’s property. They are not eating anyone’s food so I don’t see why I should get rid of them. In fact, this should serve as an encouragement for the young ones trying to get into farming,” he concluded.
The singer has been in the headlines lately for being the unofficial media source into the celebrity world.
He was the one who revealed that DK Kwenye Beat had been hospitalized following the scandal in January where DK had been accused alongside Hopekid of tricking a girl into sex and knowingly infecting her with herpes.
He was also the one who blew the lid on Bahati and Mr Seed’s fallout by giving salacious details of the event through his Instagram account.
Village behavior: My cows are not leaving Karen-Ringtone