Monday, March 3, 2025

William Mwangi Kagwima of Worcester MA Needs help to Return Home

William Mwangi Kagwima of Worcester MA Needs help to Return Home
William Mwangi Kagwima of Worcester MA Needs help to Return Home

One of our Kenyan brother, Mr. William Mwangi Kagwima aged, 70 migrated to Worcester MA, in 1998. Like every other immigrant, he worked hard until last year when he started losing his eye sight and could not work anymore. He has endured severe hardship and has exhausted his savings. Mr. Kagwima is requesting the community to send him back home to his family.

His story is heartbreaking and it’s for us as a community to do what God expect us to do.

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We will keep you updated on the planning currently underway & need your help too.

We have created a WhatsApp group and are inviting you to join us for this noble community initiative!

We have also already secured a hall. The details are as follows:

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Saturday, April 6th, 2019, 4 pm to 11 pm

American Legion Hall

267 Providence Street Worcester Ma 01607.

May the almighty God bless you abundantly. Mathew chapter 25 verses 31 to 46 teaches us to care for those who seems worthless. And the king will say,’ I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of my brothers and sisters, you were doing it for me’.

For financial contributions use

CashApp: $BernardMwariri

(508) 826-5873


 For more info please contact

Bernard Mwariri 508-826-5873

Philip Manyara (508) 863-7719

To join the WhatsApp group kindly use the link below;


Thank you


William Mwangi Kagwima of Worcester MA Needs help to Return Home


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