Patience with God’s GPS-Trust the one who sees the end from the beginning: The Global Positioning System (GPS) dates to as early as 1973. Then, it was under the ownership of the USA Airforce. The GPS provides navigation, positioning and timing; and has evolved to provide much accuracy to date. It’s amazing now to see the multiple routes GPS provides when travelling. I was personally impressed to discover that GPS was available in most rural parts of Africa for navigation. Anyway, I have a GPS experience that I would like to share about in this week’s blog.
Have you ever been impatient with the GPS, turned it off and used the route you “thought you knew”? Well, I had that experience on Saturday. I was driving to a familiar destination and thought I knew the route, but the GPS diverted me to a more scenic windy route. As I drove, I thought I would recall the old routes and get to my destination because the route I was on though scenic, was new to me. I was tempted to make a U-turn but remembered the GPS would likely keep recalculating and rerouting me back likely to the road I was on. I also recalled that the “GPS Lady” would just keep talking until I got her instructions right and I was not sure I wanted that either.
So, I decided to “flow” with the GPS and still made it to my destination safely.
Consider the Holy Spirit as our GPS. Like the natural GPS, the Holy Spirit too has been assigned to us to help us navigate life and help us accomplish our destinies. In John 16:12-33 we see the ministry of the Holy Spirit for each believer. Whereas the natural GPS relies on satellite and humans for updates, the Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead, He already knows the will of God for us making His instructions and guidance on point and on time where we cannot go wrong. Scripture says that He guides us in ALL truth! However, the Holy Spirit works at will. In Genesis 6:3 God says, “My Spirit will not strive/contend/fight with man”, emphasis added.
2019 has been a year of many changes and transitions. Part of that has involved transitions or adjustments to new and unfamiliar places. I encourage you to be patient and trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I have learned that at times, God because of His loving and gracious nature may allow us to keep reprogramming “our own GPS- i.e. minds and agenda”; but at times He will keep redirecting us to the path He wants us to follow. The redirection may come after learning some hard lessons, but at least He gets us back on track.
Trust that you are being guided by the One who sees the end from the beginning. God in Isaiah 46:10 says, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. “Trust the author and finisher of your faith. Trust the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the last; the One you predestined your destiny and the same of One who determines it’s end. Trust the I AM, the ever-present answer in the situation you need Him for. Trust Jesus the One who remains same in your journey. Trust the One who began this good work in you, that He will accomplish it
Wherever you are in life now, trust the Holy Spirit. He will never misguide or lie to you. Trust that God will bring you to the correct destination- For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end, Jeremiah 29:11.
By Pauline Adongo
The Ministry of Jesus Christ International
Harvest, Disciple & Ignite Nations
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