Kenyan Pastor Andrew Mugo Ordained by a Baptist Church in Maryland
Sunday 4th October 2020 was a very special day for Pastor Andrew Kariuki Mugo of Rockville Maryland. It was the day of apprehension too not knowing how it was going to turn out after his interview with the Ordination Council to determine if he was going to be ordained or not.
Luckily, the ordination interview went very well and at the end of the evening, he passed the interview and was handed a certificate which was signed by all those in the Ordination Council.
Pastor Andrew had sat in a Ordination Council interview for more than two and a half hours going through a rigorous interview process. The Ordination Council was led by Pastor Joel Gilbert, senior pastor of Poolesville Baptist Church assisted by deacons and Elders of the church. Here is the full list of the Ordination Council:
Currently Pastor Andrew Mugo is a Resident Chaplain at Frederick Health Hospice/Frederick Health (Hospital) and a member of Poolesville Baptist Church.
Pastor Mugo was born and raised as Roman Catholic and during his High school days, he spent much of his time with his peers who were not interested in attending church except during Christmas. After graduating from High school, he lived a worldly life but later came to his senses and gave his life to Christ where he started his Christian walk.
Andrew’s purpose is to live for God in obedience and share in his love and providence, mercy, grace and truth as revealed through Jesus Christ. His utmost purpose and mission are to use gifts that God has equipped him with in leadership, teaching, evangelism and outreach ministry.
There will be an Ordination affirmation worship service at Poolesville Baptist Church on 11/15/2020 and all are invited. The address is: