US-Based Kenyan Bob Mwiti Wins An International Education Award
This time round, as the month of March unfolded, Bob Mwiti, the Programs Director of the company, and a co-founder of the program, received an unexpected call from The International Council of Educational Professionals (ICEP).
The US-based organization which focuses on students, teaching, and learning through collaboration, had a package of good news for the legendary Bob, who grew up in a humble setup along the slopes of Mount Kenya. To his utter disbelief, the Council had picked him as their 2021 ICEP Global Impact Award Winner.
Mr Mwiti’s effort through the iconic Kenya Airlift Program, which focuses on sustainable education by bringing brilliant young Kenyans to study masters programs in IT-related courses in top notch US universities had gained international recognition. What a feat!
In the beginning of 2021, the program, which has been dubbed ‘the modern-day Kennedy Airlift’, welcomed 5 students into the US to commence their graduate studies at different universities in the country, bringing the total number of students currently attending US universities to 8.
In August this year, the program, which has hit an enrollment of over 100 students since its inception, will be receiving another batch of around 10 students to begin their Fall classes in the US.
When we reached out to Bob at his Florida home, he figuratively exuded confidence in what lies ahead, “the clouds are an indication of heavy rains; a symbol of hope. This is just the beginning of greater things.”
You can learn more about the airlift program by going to
US-Based Kenyan Bob Mwiti Wins An International Education Award