Monday, March 10, 2025

Show someone the way: Every success story has its darkest episodes

Show someone the way: Every success story has its darkest episodes
Show someone the way: Every success story has its darkest episodes

A story is told of a man who accidentally fell into a hole while walking down the street. As he cried out for help, a doctor, priest, and a lawyer passed by. The doctor gave him a prescription for his wounds if he’d ever come out. The Priest said a prayer and wished him well, while the lawyer promised to help him sue the person that dug the hole when he gets out.  They left the man struggling to find a way out, still crying for help. A stranger passed by and noticed the man in the hole. He quickly jumped into the hole. “Are you stupid? I sought your help, now look both of us are stuck here!” The man got more frustrated. To his surprise, the stranger responded, “don’t worry. I was down here before, and I know the way out. Let’s move.”

In our struggle to make our dreams come true, many are the times we will get trapped or stuck. It could be hopelessness or discouragement when our efforts seem to yield no results. It may feel like a dark hole when everything is working against you, while success stories are all over. No matter how tough your struggle seems, you are not alone. Neither are you the first nor the last. Every success story has its darkest episodes, and even the perfect scripts are rehearsed and corrected over and over. Your struggle is just a stepping stone to your success.

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Regardless of the challenges faced, no one remains the same person. You learn some lessons with every new step.  While some may be ahead of you in the journey, many are yet to walk that path. Show someone the way. Tell your story. And if you’re stuck in there, hold on, don’t give up until you find a way out. Impossible is Nothing!

By Elizabeth Ekakoro Bore: Diaspora Messenger Contributor

Elizabeth is the author of Imagine the  world and create it, a powerful book that is an inspiration to all to re-ignite our zeal to dream. whatever you dreams,you can bring it to pass.

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Show someone the way: Every success story has its darkest episodes

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