Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Spectators, Critics & Naysayers: Noise of the crowd will keep you off track

Spectators, Critics & Naysayers: Noise of the crowd will keep you off track
Spectators, Critics & Naysayers: Noise of the crowd will keep you off track

An illustration is given of a man, his wife, and their donkey. As they walked down the street, they were mocked because of how oblivious they were to the donkey’s ability to carry them. They quickly started riding the donkey and met a different set of people who were astonished at their cruelty to the poor animal. The man decided to get off and as he let the wife ride alone, another crowd murmured how foolish it was of him to walk while the wife enjoyed the donkey ride. He let the wife walk as he rode, and the next crowd called him unkind, selfish, and self-centered. They finally decided to carry the donkey and you can imagine how dumbfounded the onlookers were!

In any set of competitions, the spectators never lack opinions. They could cheer or jeer at the competitors, but a match doesn’t end because of them; in fact, it will still happen notwithstanding their presence. Neither do the players stop playing to make exchanges with them. The game goes on regardless, and winners take their prize whether or not the spectators are happy.

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Critics and naysayers are plenty in the journey towards the realization of our dreams. From those who do not believe in our dreams to those who think we are not doing it right but have no idea how it can be done best, something will always be said contrary to the path we are taking. Will we follow the wind like the donkey couple or focus on the game at hand like champions?


Your dream is the match of your life. Spectators are only distractors. At the end of the day, it will not matter what was said or done while you played, but whether or not you’re the champion.  With a focus on the game, it is possible to play well and win. Paying attention to the noise of the crowd will only keep you off track. You are the champion of your life; know what you want and go for it, unreservedly. Impossible is Nothing!

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By Elizabeth Ekakoro Bore: Diaspora Messenger Contributor

Elizabeth is the author of Imagine the  world and create it, a powerful book that is an inspiration to all to re-ignite our zeal to dream. whatever you dreams,you can bring it to pass.

Readers abroad can get an e-copy..@ 6.oo USD,click here to get a copy- within Kenya can  make their order and  will deliver. send order email to

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Spectators, Critics & Naysayers: Noise of the crowd will keep you off track

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