Friday, July 26, 2024

President Uhuru Kenyatta Speaks on DP Ruto’s Threat to Slap Him

President Uhuru Kenyatta Speaks on DP Ruto's Threat to Slap Him
President Uhuru Kenyatta Speaks on DP Ruto’s Threat to Slap Him

President Uhuru Kenyatta has for the first time addressed a leaked audio clip that captured his deputy, William Ruto, allegedly saying that he almost slapped him.

Speaking at State House on Friday, July 8, during a meeting with religious leaders, Uhuruย stated that he was willing to step aside inย 2017 after the Supreme Court annulled his victory.

The Head of State noted that his decision and willingness to go home was based on the fact that he would not stand a bloodshed in the country over an election.

He confirmed that he indeed thought of going back to his Ichaweri, Gatundu home, if that was the only way to prevent the nation from sliding into violence similar to what was experienced in 2007.

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“If they had slapped me over power,ย I would have given them the other cheek to slap. Yes, I wanted to go back to Ichaweri because I couldn’t compare power with bloodshed.

“These seats we occupy (Presidency) are not more valuable than human life. I had said yes, I will not see more people lose lives because of a seat,” Uhuru stated.

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The Head of State told the religious leaders that the effects of the 2007-2008 post election violence were still fresh in his memories and he had the responsibility of sheltering Kenyans from another cycle of violence.

He maintained that he would not have let his ambition come between Kenyans and peace.

Uhuru noted that he was looking forward to his retirement, blasting his deputy for claiming that he was using the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) to extend his term in office.

“Those who wanted to slap me because I was about to give up the seat were the same ones who accused me ofย trying to use BBI to extend my term. How was I extending power which I had given up on?” wondered Uhuru.

Uhuru noted that State House is not a place of fun and merrymaking and that he was looking forward to ending his term and heading home like his predecessor, the late Mwai Kibaki.

With one month to the August General Election, Uhuru hosted the men of the cloth from his political backyard for a non-denominational worship and prayer service.

โ€œHis Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta is today at State House, Nairobi hosting hundreds of religious leaders from Central Kenya for a non-denominational worship and prayer service,โ€ tweeted State House.

The meeting comes months after the Jubilee Party leader met over 3,000 elders from Central Kenya in the quest to scuttle the influence of Deputy President William Ruto in the region.


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President Uhuru Kenyatta Speaks on DP Ruto’s Threat to Slap Him

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