Friday, July 26, 2024

Dar es Salaam Port Congestion: Kenya Capitalises on Tanzania’s Port Blunder

Dar es Salaam Port Congestion: Kenya Capitalises on Tanzania's Port Blunder
Dar es Salaam Port Congestion: Kenya Capitalises on Tanzania’s Port Blunder

Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen has weighed in on the Dar es Salaam Port congestion that has forced several ships to dock in the port of Mombasa.

In a statement on Friday, December 29, Murkomen commended the Kenya Ports Authority management and team members in his ministry for ensuring efficiency at the Mombasa Port.

The Transport CS noted that they have invested in technology and machinery in the port.

“I am very proud of the work we are doing at KPA. I congratulate the KPA Board and Management together with my team members at the Ministry, the investment we have made especially in the equipment/machines and technology, together with improved management is bearing fruit,” Murkomen stated.

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He went on to say they will leverage the private sector to make the Mombasa Port even more competitive.

“We shall leverage on private sector investment through PPP to make our Port even more competitive,” he added.

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His statement comes after President William Ruto’s Economic Advisor David Ndii explained that ships in Tanzania had to wait for over 16 days compared to Mombasa where they are cleared after one day.

The ship congestion forced the Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) to suspend the bagging of loose cargo inside Dar es Salaam Port to reduce the number of waiting ships in the facility.

“Due to the current line-up (sic) of vessels at the outer anchorage waiting for berthing, we wish to inform you that bagging of cargo inside the port will be temporarily suspended to evacuate and reduce waiting time at outer anchorage,” the authority stated.

By Ezra Nyakundi



David Ndii Explains How Kenya is Gaining From Tanzania’s Blunder on Their Port

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President William Ruto’s Economic Advisor David Ndii has revealed how Kenya has gained a competitive advantage compared to Tanzania.

In a statement, Ndii revealed that several ships were redirected to the Port of Mombasa due to the congestion witnessed in Tanzania.

The Economic Advisor stated ships in Tanzania had to wait for over 16 days compared to Mombasa where they are cleared after one day.

“It is a traffic jam due to inefficiency, up to 16 days waiting time compared to Mombasa one day. Many ships are diverting to Mombasa,” he stated.

Ndii made the sentiments in response to Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina who had alleged that Tanzania was witnessing a booming cargo business compared to Kenya.

However, Ndii corrected Ledama indicating that it was a case of inefficiency from President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s administration.

The congestion however compelled Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) to suspend the bagging of loose cargo inside Dar es Salaam Port to reduce the number of waiting ships and causing congestion in the facility.

“Due to the current line-up (sic) of vessels at the outer anchorage waiting for berthing, we wish to inform you that bagging of cargo inside the port will be temporarily suspended to evacuate and reduce waiting time at outer anchorage,” the authority stated.

The Tanzanian port had gained even more business after President Yoweri Museveni terminated the oil importation deal through Kenya.

Museveni noted that the market in Kenya was clouded by middlemen and brokers and thus settled for Tanzania as the new option.

“Without my knowledge, our wonderful People were buying this huge quantity of petroleum products from middlemen in Kenya. A whole country buying from middlemen in Kenya or anywhere else!! Amazing but true”. Museveni said while terminating the deal with Kenya.

By Jerry Njomo


Dar es Salaam Port Congestion: Kenya Capitalises on Tanzania’s Port Blunder

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