Indian police have rescued 17 East African women from a prostitution ring in Hyderabad district after acting on a tip-off from the public.
According to Indian publications, out of the 17, 14 are Kenyan, two are Ugandan and one is Tanzanian.
The Anti-Human Trafficking Unit of the police raided a house at Kondapur and arrested three suspects accused of organising the racket.
After inspecting the house, the police seized cash, four mobile phones, 25 HIV kits, sex toys and 104 condoms.
The publication said that the ring leader lured customers through social media applications and sent the women across different cities in India.
“He created a section on the ‘Locanto’ classified site where he uploaded the profiles and operated his prostitution racket.
The women have been going around multiple cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad,” the police said as quoted by The Hindu publication.
It is said that the women arrived in India on tourist and medical Visas.
However, some of the women stayed in the country after their Visas expired. It is estimated that the prostitution ring collected between Ksh.4,602 and Ksh.30,682 from the customers.
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