Saturday, March 8, 2025

GOD’S GLORIOUS MYSTERY: The Miraculous Revelation

GOD'S GLORIOUS MYSTERY: The Miraculous Revelation
GOD’S GLORIOUS MYSTERY: The Miraculous Revelation

THE WORD: “The mystery . . . which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:26-27

THE POINT: What is the mystery of God? The mystery of God is that Holy God could indwell our human bodies. It is a great mystery that Holy God would take up residence in humanity. But how would God, who is holy and perfect, want to live in sinful, imperfect humans? He wouldn’t! And that is the point of the mystery.

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It is not possible for Holy God to reside in sinful humans. So, what hope is there for us? We need a miracle. Therefore, God sent us a miracle in the person of His pure and perfect Son Jesus Christ. The mystery—God’s secret for living—is a person, Jesus Christ! Christ solved our sin problem and met our need through His death upon the cross and His resurrection from the dead. Jesus Christ is a walking miracle. And now He offers to walk out His miraculous life through you.

As a result of Christ’s death, you can be forgiven for your sins and freed from the source of your imperfections, which is Satan himself. You were a slave of the devil dominated by his evil nature. However, once you acknowledge your sin and accept Christ, He cleanses you from all unrighteousness. And as a result of the resurrection, He gives you His life. He removes your evil nature and imparts His divine nature to you.

THE APPLICATION: Upon receiving Christ you become a Christian. A Christian is a Christ person because you are indwelt by the person of Christ Himself! But how is this possible? God does this by His Spirit. The moment you receive Christ, the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus comes to indwell you. Therefore, God’s glorious life is now available to you. The great mystery has been solved!

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There is hope for you! Why? You have hope because you are now in union with Christ—the Source of hope. Furthermore, you have new life—His life! The perfect Son of God—Jesus Christ—offers to live His perfect life in you. Christ lives in you in order that He might live His glorious life through you. Once you receive Christ, He takes up residence in you.

The life of Christ within you is your hope of a grand and glorious life both here and hereafter. God’s glory—His manifest presence and power—is now readily available to you. So, how should you respond? You can start with praise and thanksgiving to Your Lord Jesus Christ! Next, acknowledge His indwelling presence and thank Him that His glorious life resides within you. Then by faith simply let Him live it! The mystery has been revealed! And now you know the secret!

THE PRAYER: “Oh Lord, life is such a mystery. But thankfully, You have provided us with the solution to the mystery. The secret is the indwelling Christ. That is why I must receive You. Lord Jesus, Cleanse me and come into my life. Take control of me and live Your life through me. Lord Jesus, be glorified in me as You manifest Your glorious life through me!”


By Dr. Lewis Gregory/

GOD’S GLORIOUS MYSTERY: The Miraculous Revelation

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