Since America and the world have continued to reject the true and living God and His Word—the Holy Bible—God’s protective presence is being withdrawn. Just as the Lord’s protective presence withdrew from the nation of Israel as described in the book of Ezekiel, so it is happening again today.
When God pulls back His protective presence,all Hell breaks loose. In Jesus Christ all things are held together (Colossians 1:17), but in the absence of His protective presence all things fall apart. Humans left to their own devices are self-destruct beings.
Therefore, a spirit of MADNESS is engulfing the world.This spirit of madness has been growing during the past several years. But now it seems to be escalating. Madness is evident in the irrational, illogical, idiotic occurrences around the world. Take a moment to reflect back upon the senseless, ridiculous and horrific things that have occurred. Consider the growing number of wars, mass shootings, terrorist acts, violent crimes and freak accidents happening today.
These are all indicative of the growing void of the Lord’s protective presence among us. The majority of people do not think they need God, or perhaps don’t want God and some even deny His very existence. Therefore, since this is the prevalent sentiment in the world today God is departing the scene.
But not to fear, because where sin abounds, God’s all sufficient grace does much more abound. The good news is that even as the dark gets darker, The Light will continue to get brighter. Therefore your privilege is to pray and seek the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the light of the world. He alone is your shield and defender amidst these turbulent times! “But seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)
There is madness in the world, but stability in the Lord! So, if you are in the Lord, you are safe and secure in Him! He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). And since you are in the Lord, then you are the light of the world in Him (Matthew 5:14-16). Which means, this is your time to shine. Therefore, let your light shine so other will see The Light, and be drawn to Him whose steadfast love endures forever! All hail King Jesus!!!
By Dr. Lewis W Gregory
President at Source Ministries International Inc.