Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Supremacy Battle: Gachagua Moves to Reassert Kingpin Authority

Supremacy Battle: Gachagua Moves to Reassert Kingpin Authority
Supremacy Battle: Gachagua Moves to Reassert Kingpin Authority

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Friday hosted a section of leaders from the Mt. Kenya region widely perceived to be loyal to him after 48 MPs from the region disassociated themselves from him on Thursday and threw their weight behind Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki as their direct link to the Executive.

The meeting was held in the morning at the DP’s residence in Karen. Present at the meeting were several MPs including; Joseph Munyoro (Kigumo), George Koimburi (Juja) Benjamin Mejja Donk (Embakasi Central), James Gakuya (Embakasi North) and Trizah Wanjiru (Nominated).

Nyandarua Senator John Methu and former Laikipia Woman Representative Cate Waruguru were also present at the meeting. Political observers believe the meeting revolved around crafting strategies to stem the latest wave of rebellion in the Mt. Kenya region.

The declaration by the 48 MPs was covertly planned and executed, with members of the press only learning of the declaration after the lawmakers issued a joint statement.

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The 48 MPs who ditched Gachagua met in Nyahururu at former Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri’s home. Compounding on Gachagua’s woes was the fact that the Deputy President’s area MP Eric Wamumbi of Mathira also backed Kindiki, denouncing Gachagua in the process.

On Thirsday, Duncan Mathenge of Nyeri Town and Alice Nganga of Thika Town were among politicians who called for an end to Deputy Gachagua’s reign as the Mt. Kenya Kingpin.

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The MPs blamed Gachagua for failing to demonstrate leadership with the rebel MPs citing stalled infrastructure projects in the region as evidence.

โ€˜โ€™Unfortunately, our efforts to consolidate the developmental needs of the people we represent and canvas for their realization has been frustrated by the lack of a focal point of reference around whom we can channel the interests and priorities of our people to the Government for actualization,โ€™โ€™ the lawmakers claimed.

The lawmakers further claimed that landmark infrastructure projects such as the Mau Mau Road have stalled despite Kenya Kwanza’s pledge to ensure completion of the same.

Earlier on Friday, Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba dismissed the Nyahururu Declaration as hot ait proclaiming that the development was only going to strengthen Gachagua’s hand as the Mt. Kenya leader.

“The Nyahururu declaration meant to isolate DP Gachagua is a blessing in disguise. For now their declaration is just hot air aiming at stirring the political landscape to scare Gachagua out of government. As they do so, the DP is getting bolder and mutating into a darling of Most Kenyans,” Wamuchomba posted on X.

The Deputy President will be in Nyeri Town on Friday for the Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK) show at Kabiruini grounds.

BY Denzel Maina

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Supremacy Battle: Gachagua Moves to Reassert Kingpin Authority

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