Monday, March 3, 2025

JUSTICE FOR ALL: The Power of God’s Justice

JUSTICE FOR ALL: The Power of God's Justice
JUSTICE FOR ALL: The Power of God’s Justice

THE WORD:  “That He might be just, and the justifier of those who believe in Jesus.”  Romans 3:26

THE POINT:  Injustice. We see it everywhere: from the call on the ball field, or the missed promotion, to the false accusations. It makes us wonder, “Is there any justice anywhere?” Certainly there is none at the hands of mere man, but that’s where God comes in!

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God alone is just! Therefore, He alone can render justice. And that is exactly what God did for us through His Son Jesus Christ at the cross. Someone had to pay, and Christ did: the just for the unjust. It was the ultimate price for the ultimate justice.

Jesus paid it all; He died for all in order that all might have everlasting life through Him. He is here today to render justice to us and for us. How? You must believe in Jesus by entrusting your life to Him. That involves receiving Christ and giving yourself to Him. When you receive Him you are justified—made right by God. Now that’s true justice . . . filled with mercy and grace!

THE APPLICATION:  Jesus Christ did all this for you! He paid the supreme price for your injustice. All of the injustices done to you or by you were brought to justice at the cross. Christ justified you by putting everything right at the Cross. And then He made you right in Him.

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You will never find true justice from this old world, but when you believe in Jesus,  then Jesus becomes your justifier. He is the Just One! Thus, He alone is qualified to render true justice. The Lord’s true justice makes right the wrongs and makes us right to boot.

God makes you right in Christ. He doesn’t just see you as righteous, He has made you righteous. You are the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). Now that’s justice for you! And that’s justice for all who believe in Jesus Christ the Lord. Praise God, justice has been served!

THE PRAYER:  “Dear God, life seems so unfair. Everywhere I turn I see injustice. Then I turn to you and look at the cross. There I see true justice where your mercy and grace prevails—the just for the unjust, the righteous for the unrighteous. You are the justifier. Thank you, Lord, for making everything right. I have been justified through Christ. Therefore, I am now the righteousness of God in Christ. Hallelujah!”

By Dr. Lewis Gregory/

JUSTICE FOR ALL: The Power of God’s Justice

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