Saturday, October 5, 2024

TRUE LOVE: Embracing God’s Love in a World Consumed by Evil

TRUE LOVE: Embracing God's Love in a World Consumed by Evil
TRUE LOVE: Embracing God’s Love in a World Consumed by Evil

THE WORD:  “But the fruit of the Spirit is love.”  Galatians 5:22

THE POINT:  We live in a world that is out of control. Madness, destruction and death are everywhere. Nobody seems to be exempt. How can a person survive in a world consumed with hate, violence and cruelty? Only love—God’s love is sufficient for such a daunting task! God’s love is all consuming. God’s pure and perfect love can conqueror all forms of evil.

That is because God Himself is love (1 John 4:8). He is the sole source of all true love. Therefore, true love can only come from God and God alone. Without God, such true, unconditional love is not possible. The good news is that Almighty God has made provision for His Love to be imparted to us by His Spirit. The fruit of God’s Spirit is love!

When you are reborn of the Spirit of God, God’s love enters into you. God, who is love, comes to indwell you by His Spirit. As a result, you contain the very love of God. This means that you now have the capacity to love as God loves. Now that’s amazing, and it’s all because of God’s amazing grace!

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THE APPLICATION:  So, how’s your love life? If you’re filled with the love of God, it’s great! God’s love will ooze out of you, affecting every area of your life: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. God’s love will also alter every relationship in your life.

God’s love can even cover a multitude of sins, allowing you to forgive the most hideous of offenses. The greatest of all is love—God’s love, and God’s love is supreme. Therefore, allow God’s Spirit to have complete control of your life so that the fruit of love will be evident in your life. Now that’s a real Love Life—a life of love abounding in all you say and do!

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Allowing God’s spirit to control your life is not only how you survive, but also how you thrive amidst all the cruelty, hate and injustice. God’s love conquerors all. Thus, you are more than a survivor. In fact, you’re more than a conqueror . . . through Christ. So let the true love of God abound in your life. Then you will be fruitful and multiply, and subdue the Earth with God’s peace, joy and love.

THE PRAYER:  “Dear Lord, I have experienced hurt and heartache, but Your love has restored me. Because of my new birth, Your Holy Spirit now indwells me. Fill me with your Spirit in order that your perfect love might flow through me. Cause your love to be manifested in me so others can see Jesus in me and find true love. Thank you Lord, for allowing me to be an expression of your love.”

By Dr. Lewis Gregory/

TRUE LOVE: Embracing God’s Love in a World Consumed by Evil

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