THE WORD: “Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light.” Ephesians 5:14
THE POINT: This Scripture is a wake-up call from God Almighty. The Apostle Paul is using the term sleep to describe our spiritual blindness. This admonition is still relevant today. Far too many Christians are walking around in a stupor—their eyes blinded, their senses dulled and their minds darkened.
Such Christians are oblivious to the marvelous life that is available to them in Christ. They are living in a dream world where fantasy and reality have merged, unable to distinguish fact from fiction.
When we’re asleep, darkness enshrouds us and we cannot see the light. But, of course, we don’t know that, and thus we’re not really concerned about it. Sadly, we walk through life dazed, clueless and lifeless, missing out on the best years of our lives. Satan, the master deceiver, has done it again! He’s pulled the wool over our eyes and we don’t even realize it.
While we think we are living, what we’re actually experiencing is death. The dead works of our flawed humanity are all we’ve got to show for our efforts. Such results may seem acceptable from a religious perspective, but they are certainly not righteous! Nevertheless, since we’re asleep, we don’t even know the difference. Tragic, very tragic!
THE APPLICATION: It’s time to wake up! You’ve got a lot to look forward to! In John 8:12, Jesus Christ—the light of the World—said that if you would follow Him, you’d no longer walk in darkness. Instead, you would have the light of life. His light will show you the way. And His way is the way of life everlasting.
Not only does Christ offer eternal life in the sweet by and by, but also He will enable you to live life in the ugly here and now.
He offers you His life: an abundant life which is pure, lovely, good and true. Along with His life comes a lavish array of the fruit of His Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Now that’s a life worth living!
These fruit of the Spirit are the very qualities we all desperately need and want, yet we are unable to produce them. But now, they’re yours for the taking, readily available to you in Christ. So, rise and shine and give God the glory! It’s your life; live it to the full!
THE PRAYER: “Dear God, I have been in a daze, with my spiritual senses dulled. I was settling for the dead works of the flesh, when I should have been walking in newness of life. I need You to turn on the light in my life. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for illuminating my way. Cause me to walk in the light of Your life.”\
By Dr. Lewis Gregory/