Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Source Of Life: Move Beyond Merely Existing to Truly Living

The Source Of Life: Move Beyond Merely Existing to Truly Living
The Source Of Life: Move Beyond Merely Existing to Truly Living

THE WORD:  “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”  Philippians 1:21

THE POINT:  What are you living for? What motivates you? What sustains you? How do you feel about dying one day?

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The Apostle Paul had a very clear point of reference, and a very definite reason for living. He knew the Source of Life, so he was very well connected! The source of life is Jesus Christ.

When you are connected with the Source, He will sustain you. Only Christ—the source of life— can enable you to move beyond merely existing to truly living. You cannot experience true life apart from Jesus Christ. Real living means Christ does the living.

THE APPLICATION:  So, who’s doing the living in your life? If it’s you, how’s that working out for you? Are you satisfied? Is God truly being glorified in your life? The truth is that your best efforts at living life are really just existing. No matter how good it looks, it is not good enough. It is certainly not life.

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However, if you’re drawing from the true life-source Jesus Christ, then you’re well connected.

And as you draw upon your true life-source, you’ll really be living because Christ will be doing the living.

Furthermore, when Christ lives His life through you, you will experience the joy of the Lord—joy unspeakable and full of glory.

As a result, even death will become gain to you because when you’re absent from your body, you will be present with your Lord. Either way, when the Source of your life is Christ, you win!

THE PRAYER:  “The Apostle Paul knew who he was. Therefore, He could confidently say, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).

“Dear Lord, show me who I am in Christ. Cause me to see myself as you see me. You see me alive in Christ because that is the way you made me as a new creation in Christ.

Constantly remind me that true living is only possible as I allow Christ to live through me. Enable me to boldly face death with the confident assurance that to die is gain. Amen!”

By Dr. Lewis Gregory/

The Source Of Life: Move Beyond Merely Existing to Truly Living

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