Thursday, March 6, 2025

Troublemakers abound, but peacemakers are very rare indeed

Troublemakers abound, but peacemakers are very rare indeed
Troublemakers abound, but peacemakers are very rare indeed

THE WORD: “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”  Matthew 5:9

THE POINT: Troublemakers abound, but peacemakers are very rare indeed! Real peace, true and lasting peace, is found only in God. Hence, we have the biblical phrase “the God of peace,” indicative of the fact that God is the sole Source of peace.

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There is also the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ, who came to bring peace on Earth and good will toward men. “For He is our peace… having abolished in His flesh the enmity . . . for to make in Himself of two one new man, so making peace” (Ephesians 2:14-15).

Jesus Christ is the peacemaker extraordinaire! Through His work of reconciliation, Jesus Christ removed the barrier between us and God, thus bringing peace with God.

And that is certainly something we all need—peace with God. Once the Prince of peace comes to indwell us, we can enjoy the peace that passes all understanding, which is the very peace of God Himself.

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One of the fruit of the Spirit that is available to us as a child of God is peace, something He alone can produce. When the Holy Spirit produces His peace through you, He will enable you to be a peacemaker.

It is one thing to be a little child wallowing in the selfishness of carnality, but it is quite another to be a mature adult exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit of God Almighty. The Holy Spirit will cause you to walk in godly maturity.

You will begin to bear His likeness by expressing His godly character in your conduct, which includes being a peacemaker.

THE APPLICATION: Are you a peacemaker or a troublemaker? Do you bear the Family likeness? Is your life lived in such a manner that you exhibit the qualities of your Father God? When you conduct your life as a peacemaker, you are portraying that unique quality of God Himself.

The way of the world is to take sides, retaliate, become vengeful, argumentative, or defensive. But to be a peacemaker, now that’s the Christian thing to do!

When others see such positive, constructive behavior, they recognize it for what it is. We’ve all been called a lot of things during our lifetime, but to be called a Christian (a son or daughter of God)—now that’s a real compliment! And so it is, not just for us, but for our great and mighty God whom we serve! It’s time for Christians everywhere to grow up. You’re an heir of God, now act like it!

Put away your childish things and stop acting like a child. Yield yourself completely to the control of the Holy Spirit and allow the Son of God to have His way with you.

You will find yourself operating with the spiritual maturity of a true son of God. And being a peacemaker, well, that’s just “par for the course.” Blessed are the peacemakers!

THE PRAYER:  “Dear God, in a world filled with conflict and strife we desperately need peace. You alone are the source of peace and the true peacemaker.

I need Your peace. Therefore, I reject all negative, argumentative attitudes that would hinder Your peace in my life.

Fill me with Your Spirit so that You can produce the fruit of peace in my life. Cause me to be a peacemaker. Thank You for allowing me to experience peace with God and the peace of God!”

By Dr. Lewis Gregory/

Troublemakers abound, but peacemakers are very rare indeed

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