Saturday, September 7, 2024

Kenya recognises Republic of South Sudan

JUBA, South Sudan, Jul 9 – Kenya fully recognizes the new Republic of South Sudan as a sovereign state in line with the international law, President Mwai Kibaki reiterated on Saturday.
Speaking during the celebrations of the independence of Southern Sudan at the late Dr John Garang Mausoleum grounds in Juba, President Kibaki noted that the declaration of South Sudan independence is an important and significant step in the search for lasting peace and stability for the people of the entire Sudan.

“We therefore welcome and fully embrace the new republic and its leadership, and look forward to working closely with her both at bilateral level as a neighbour and also within the framework of the various regional and multilateral structures,” President Kibaki said.

The President observed that with the declaration of the independence, the difficulty path of nation building has just begun, saying understandable the people of South Sudan will be harbouring high expectations of delivery of services by the Government of their brand new state.

“You can however overcome any challenges of nation building by promoting unity in diversity, hard work and dedication of every citizen in the new nation,” said President Kibaki.

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In this regard, the Head of State Kibaki urged the Government in the north to support the new state so as to create the requisite conditions for the peaceful co-existence of the two sovereign neighbouring states.

Assuring that Kenya will continue to support the new state in consolidating peace and economic and social development, President Kibaki called on the region, the African Union and the international community to remain committed to assisting the people of the entire Sudan in their search for solution to the remaining aspects of the peace process.

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President Kibaki said: “Today, six years since the signing of the CPA in Nairobi Kenya, the world is witnessing a truly historical occasion, on behalf of our region, I bring to the Government and the people of the new republic of South Sudan, our warmest congratulations and best wishes on this momentous day.”

“I commend the IGAD Member States, the IGAD Partners Forum, the African Union, especially the AU High Level Implementation Panel, the UN and its agencies, and all the friends of the Sudan for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout the Comprehensive Peace Agreement period. We could not have been here today without your generous support and valuable contribution,” added President Kibaki.

Congratulating and saluting President Salva Kiir and the people of Southern Sudan, on the historic and joyous occasion of the birth of Africa’s youngest nation, President Kibaki paid tribute to the late Dr. John Garang and all those gallant people of Southern Sudan who sacrificed their lives in search for a negotiated solution to the conflict in Southern Sudan.

The Head of State also commended President Omar Al Bashir and President Salva Kiir for their leadership, commitment and exceptional courage they have manifested through the difficult journey in the search for durable peace in South Sudan.

Earlier, President Kibaki laid a wreath at the mausoleum of the late Dr. John Garang.

The Kenyan delegation included Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, former President Daniel Moi, several Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament and senior Government officials.







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