Saturday, September 7, 2024

An Interview with Dr.Paul Mukundi:Race & Identity in Schools

On Thursday, August 11, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. The Paradigm Shift Show will be interviewing Dr. Paul Mukundi, author of the ground breaking book, Preventing Things From Falling Further Apart: The Preservation of Cultural Identities in Postcolonial African, Indian, & Caribbean Literatures. Should educators talk about racial issues and identities in schools anymore? Can literary works serve as a compass for marginalized students who remain oblivious to self identity and its connection to past history? Are some minorities "culturally confused" about their languages, education, class, &statuses in the world today? Find out Thursday as Dr. Mukundi begins to discuss such controversial questions today and investigate a "post Chinua Achebe universe in which formerly colonized peoples make efforts to reconstruct their cultures by deconstructing some of the deleterious effects of colonization" (Mukundi). Are students suffering from  post traumatic colonial syndrome today? Find out Thursday at 1:00 p.m.!

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