Saturday, September 7, 2024

Come Debate on ICC in Africa at American University Washington DC

You are invited to Debate on the International Criminal Court in Africa, with emphasis on the Kenyan cases to be held at American University on Tuesday, February 25, 2014.
This event is a joint project of the Council on Africa Studies at American University, the Africa Initiative, the American Bar Association and East Africa Washington Program (EAWP.)

We anticipate an interesting debate considering the turns and twists in the Kenyan cases.

The panelists are experts in their own fields. They include:

ï‚· The Hon. Koki Muli, Deputy Ambassador of Kenya to the United Nations

ï‚· Michael S. Greco, former president, American Bar Association

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ï‚· Stephen Arthur Lamony, Senior Adviser on AU, UN and Africa Situations

Coalition for the International Criminal Court

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ï‚· With introductory comments from Prof. David Bosco, author of Rough

Justice: The International Criminal Court in a World of Power Politics

Co-organized by the Council on Africa Studies, the Africa Initiative, the American Bar Association Center for Human Rights, and East Africa Washington Program

The East Africa Washington Program (EAWP), a new advocacy initiative by Kenyans in the Washington , DC metropolitan area conceived the idea that there is an urgent need to have the Kenyan and other African cases before the ICC highlighted, discussed and debated in Washington for informational and academic purposes.

Parking is available beneath the SIS building (intersection of Nebraska and New Mexico Avenues, NW) and is free after 5 pm.

The closest Metro station is Tenleytown-AU, with a free shuttle running to the main campus every 10 minutes.

For additional information, please email or Dr. Carl LeVan (


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