Saturday, September 7, 2024

Alfred Mutua says that Sh100 million has been paid to undermine

NAIROBI, Kenya, Feb 6 – Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua claims there is a plot to undermine the development agenda of his county government and alleges that Sh100 million has been paid to certain individuals for this purpose.

Speaking during a tour of Yatta Sub County, Mutua pointed out that many people are not happy with the progress his government has made, and have vowed to stop him.

He however stressed that he will not be deterred by such schemes but will continue working towards the attainment of the mission and vision for the county.

“There are people who have sat down in Nairobi and said that they are setting aside more than Sh100 million and said that they are going to put in all their efforts so as to completely destroy Machakos. They said that this Governor Mutua has to be stopped because his politics is not according to our politics,” he said.

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He also emphasised that his government will focus on the development agenda and will not be drawn into political debates at the expense of Machakos residents.

“They have roped in Senators; they have roped in learned people, constitutional office holders, they have roped in MCAs and very senior people all because they are afraid of our development projects and what we are doing for our people. And we are saying enough is enough. We don’t care about their machinations because as leaders we are there to serve the people not political quagmires.”

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“And they need to understand that it is that kind of mentality that has rendered this continent the poorest in the world. They need to realise that Kenya today is made up of nearly 80 percent of young people and these young people are seeing a future ahead of themselves and they will not succumb or fall into the trap of these old people. These will continue playing their mind games but we will leave them and continue to develop our people,” he asserted.

He revealed that in the next financial year, his government will seek to upgrade health facilities, construct modern market shades, building ECD centres and construct dams.

He further stated that they will be connecting schools to the national power grid, grading rural roads and rehabilitating market roads in the sub-county and the county at large.

“The tour took me to Kyasioni, Ikombe and Katangi markets where after inspecting projects, I met and addressed Wananchi.”

“In the next financial year, the County Government will bring to bitumen standards Katangi-Matuu road. Later, I presided over the ground breaking ceremony for the construction of Katangi People’s Park expected to boost local tourism and play a role in the economic growth of the area,” he said.

During the tour, he was accompanied by area MP Francis Mwangangi, Mwala legislator Vincent Musyoka, Victor Munyaka (Machakos Town), John Munuve (Mwingi North), Regina Ndambuki (Kilome) and former MP for Kibwezi. Kalembe Ndile and members of the County Assembly of Machakos led by leader of the Majority Joshua Mwonga and area MCA Felix Ngui.


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