Saturday, September 7, 2024

US Embassy Bomb Blast Survivor Peace Concert in USA

US Embassy Bomb Blast Survivor Peace Concert in USA
US Embassy Bomb Blast Survivor Peace Concert in USA

Caroline Muthoka Wavai’s Peace Concert was held on July 12 2015 at the Sword of the Spirit Church at 71 S. Union Ave. in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, USA.

Caroline’s Peace Concert was a very successful event. It is an epic long journey of tribulations and how a human’s Will can overcome pain, grief and desolation.

Born and raised in Kenya, Caroline was working on the 19th floor of the Cooperative Building, next to the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, on Aug. 7, 1998, where she miraculously escaped death with her son Lucky Baraka, who was unborn, then.  At the concert, Lucky moved the crowd with his poem on how he got his name Lucky Baraka (Blessings). Despite being announced that he was not going to survive after the blast, he recounted how God has seen him through to this point, as a 10th grade student at the Newtown Marple High School in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), USA. He however had to undergo regular treatment for the injuries suffered while in the womb. Caroline is blessed with 3 children,  Kelvin the oldest, who was 4 years old then, (1998) and who witnessed what his mother and his younger brother went through. Kelvin still suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and has always been bitter with what befell his family.

Using her songs, Poems and prayers Caroline a survivor of the blast, is a new face of a leading   Kenyan Diaspora; with great ideas and who strongly advocates for Kenyans and the people of the world to work towards Peace and Unity. The Peace Concert is the beginning of a new campaign. She has started to share her extensive journey with her new outlook for a better tomorrow for mankind. She will be hosting events that promote Peace in the USA, Kenya and other parts of the world.

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Caroline wishes to reach all people in the world interested in issues of Peace, through various media including the international as well as local television stations, radio and the press.

The following pieces are a compilation of music played at the concert.  Hope you the listener will find it stimulating and look forward to your positive comments. You can find more information at

US Embassy Bomb Blast Survivor Peace Concert in USA


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