Peter Kimani Njenga’s Family Seeks Help to Repatriate the Body
Death announcement of Jonah Mutua of Silver Spring Maryland
Sandra Wambaa: A Heartfelt Tribute to a Bright Life Cut Short
Celebrating the Life, Legacy of Edward Osano of Melbourne, AUS
Remembering Esther Nduta Ngugi: Mother to Dr Stanley Karanja
The Wisdom Gained After Dealing with Life Lessons
The attitude behind one’s actions: God wants results—genuine results
Defeating the Devil: Positive Self-Talk to Overcome Adversity
DEVOTION: Is This A Priority For You? By Pastor Shadrack Ruto
Word of the Day: The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength
Word of the Day:Uproot any Form of Bitterness
Word of the Day: Live Life by Faith
Word of the Day: Our Light Everyday
Word of the Day: Put Down Your Burdens
Word of the Day: Do everything without complaining or arguing
Positive Thoughts: Liquor is for the dying, and wine for those in deep depression
Kenyan Gov’t Rallies to Save Nduta from Execution in Vietnam
Bernard Makabe: US-based Kenyan dies in tragic Kisii Rd accident
Tribute to Jane Kuria & Her Daughters: Honoring Their Memory
WTO Under Siege: Trump’s Trade Policy & Ripple Effects on EAC