Lupita Nyongo in Forbes list of Africa’s 50 most powerful women: Two Kenyan women are among Africa’s 50 most powerful women who have made notable contributions and challenged the status quo.
VIDEO: Why Lupita cried Uncontrollably During Interview with Oprah: Academy Award winner Lupita Nyong'o could not hold back her tears during an interview with Oprah Winfrey.
VIDEO: Oscar Award actress Lupita Nyongo wows fans with her rapping skills: It seems that the artistic talents of Oscar Award winning actress Lupita Nyong’o are not only just limited to the the movie theatres.
Invitation To Night of Galaxy With Dorothy Nyong'o In Lancaster PA: Ladies, FaWMs (Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Sistehood) of Lancaster PA invites to this EXTRAraordinary and magical evening. Come and hang out with the authentic
Revealed: Winning Oscar Helped Lupita Nyong'o Get US Green Card: Award-winning actress and Siaya Governor Anyang’ Nyongo’s daughter Lupita Nyong’o revealed that winning the Academy Awards in 2014 helped her land a green card in the United States.
Years after Oscar Awards winner Lupita Nyong'osprouted and took over Hollywood by storm, the fertile lands of Kisumu are readying another star in a slightly different field.
Twitter has grown into a popular site for social interactions and as a source of news for many Kenyans.It would explain why Kenyans are second place in Africa when it comes to penetration of the mobile app only below South Africa.